E3 2013 | Watch The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker E3 Debut Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.06.2013 5

E3 2013 | Watch The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker E3 Debut Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

One of the greatest adventures returns to Wii U this year - see the debut trailer for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD.

Enhanced with rich, highly detailed palette and lighting, players once again guide Link across the Great Sea to rescue his captured sister and save the world from a scheming force of evil. Confirmed as full 1080p today, plaeyrs will use the GamePad controller to navigate the world, solve puzzles and manage their inventory with support for Off TV play.

There'll also be an enhanced sail for additional speed and a "Tingle Bottle" to post photos and comments directly to Miiverse - "It's like finding a message in a bottle", Nintendo said.

Other gameplay changes are expected and will be announced in the future.

Image for E3 2013 | Watch The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker E3 Debut Trailer
Image for E3 2013 | Watch The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker E3 Debut Trailer
Image for E3 2013 | Watch The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker E3 Debut Trailer

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD is due out this October.

What do you think The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD in motion?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker





Action Adventure



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (8 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Smilie Oh my God!! Im sooo happy about this I cant wait for it!! One of my fav Zelda games ever....

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I have already played this game to death on the GC. Don't really see the point!? It's just a gap filler because Nintendo have so few big games ready for Wii U yet. I've seen no compelling reason to get one ( Wii U). I was hoping to see a proper Mario game and maybe a proper Zelda title. For me it would have been more interesting to have seen this game with the power of the XB1 or PS4. Disappointed with Nintendo these days. Perhaps they would be better off as a software company. They could always release peripherals for their games!?

( Edited 12.06.2013 15:04 by Ikaruga )

My DS code for 42 classic games is 5026 2806 4140. Looking for people to play Rummy with. Feel free to PM your code. Also, anyone can add my Wii code if they like, PM me with yours too.

Ikaruga said:
I have already played this game to death on the GC. Don't really see the point!? It's just a gap filler because Nintendo have so few big games ready for Wii U yet. I've seen no compelling reason to get one yet. I was hoping to see a proper Mario game and maybe a proper Zelda title. For me it would have been more interesting to have seen this game with the power of the XB1 or PS4. Disappointed with Nintendo these days. Perhaps they would be better off as a software company. They could always release peripherals for their games!?

From what I've heard, it's adding additional features too. As I've never played WW before, I am super excited for this.Think of it more as Nintendo giving newer gamers or people who didn't get the chance to play before a chance to play it.


Hyrule Kitten said:
Ikaruga said:
I have already played this game to death on the GC. Don't really see the point!? It's just a gap filler because Nintendo have so few big games ready for Wii U yet. I've seen no compelling reason to get one yet. I was hoping to see a proper Mario game and maybe a proper Zelda title. For me it would have been more interesting to have seen this game with the power of the XB1 or PS4. Disappointed with Nintendo these days. Perhaps they would be better off as a software company. They could always release peripherals for their games!?

From what I've heard, it's adding additional features too. As I've never played WW before, I am super excited for this.Think of it more as Nintendo giving newer gamers or people who didn't get the chance to play before a chance to play it.

Precisely. This is the first time the game is available again after its initial release around 10 years ago. It's easy to forget how many new players start gaming over the years, there are many people who haven't played The Wind Waker yet. I highly doubt this game takes a huge team, so Nintendo making this remake to tide people over (completely unintentional pun, I swear) isn't going to make the new Wii U Zelda come out much sooner.

As for how it looks, I really don't understand the complaints. If anything, it shows how timeless the graphical style of the game is. I was never bothered by the Triforce hunt but the tease from Aonuma about changes to later parts of the game is quite intriguing. Whatever it is, I can rest easy knowing I can always go back and play the original game.

Great for new gamers, but I want new games to justify buying a Wii u. I'll dig out my GC if I wanna play WW. Minor changes aside, the gameplay will be fundamentally the same. Anyway, if I've learnt one thing over the years, life is about new experiences and retreading old ones is not always that satisfying.

My DS code for 42 classic games is 5026 2806 4140. Looking for people to play Rummy with. Feel free to PM your code. Also, anyone can add my Wii code if they like, PM me with yours too.

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