E3 2013 | Zelda: The Wind Waker on Wii U Won't Include Extra Dungeons

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.06.2013 15

E3 2013 | Zelda: The Wind Waker on Wii U Won

Those craving additional dungeons in the Wii U version of Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker maybe a little disappointed.

The original GameCube game was previously confirmed to have had a wealth, a treasure trove, of ideas cut ahead of its retail release and it appears that these extra dungeons won't appear in the Wii U HD version.

Speaking to Eurogamer at E3 this week, series producer Eiji Aonuma confirmed that "those dungeons we removed we used in other games, so we can't use them in this version".

The Nintendo veteran did acknowledge that the company do realise that fans have asked about "additional content beyond what was in the GameCube version of the game, but our desire is to stay true of the story that was in the original". Aonuma feels that if extra dungeons were to be added, that it would affect parts of the original, which "we really want to stay true to".

However during a developer video, he did confirm that smaller changes were being made to the game's later stages to streamline the process.

Aonuma highlighted the pacing in the original, "it took longer to get to certain dungeons" and the team are tuning the game to "tighten those [gaps] and make the overall experience and story feel tighter."

What are your thoughts on the lack of extra dungeons in the upcoming game - are Nintendo playing it too safe, perhaps?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker





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Seriously, as if Nintendo were ever going to add new dungeons for the HD version. They would have all hands on deck working on their new dungeons for the new Zelda in the series....Lets hope so or we might not see the next Zelda till 2018!!

When in doubt....Whip it out!

I had hope they'd have added what they didn't have time to in the original, but I suspected they wouldn't. 

He even confirmed what many suspected, that removed dungeons were used in later games. Why would anyone want them to be shoehorned in just for the sake of it? If they were, they'd have to make them meaningless and cut things to stay true to the original storyline. Chances are that most Zelda fans have already played those dungeons in later games and newcomers to the series will get the opportunity to play this fantastic game for the first time. Tbh, I see it as a waste of resources for little gain considering the new Wii U Zelda is in full production right now.

"ma feels that if extra dungeons were to be added, that it would affect parts of the original, which "we really want to stay true to".

You don't have to stay true to the sucky bits Smilie

A few points in TWW felt like stuff was just handed to you, rather then earning it.
Contributing a lot to the feel the game lacked enough content.

TWW *needed more content*. Its fantastic those dungeons were reused latter - but you still could have added new ones to give more incentive to buy this port.

Think "colour dungeons" in Link's Awakening DX, for example.

( Edited 14.06.2013 14:39 by Darkflame )

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They definitely could have thrown in a bonus dungeon post-final battle, perhaps? An extra treat for the fans without sacrificing too much. Perhaps a transition period between WW and PH that would act as nice bridge and use most/all of the items earned in the game. Shit happens on sea, that kind of thing.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

A bit gutting really. 
Nice as this game looks, the WW still looks great, and I'm not seeing many reasons to pick up the new version.

Has anyone mentioned if this will be full price or not?

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

why not extra stuff man

There have been remakes after remakes of many games in the past. Why is WW getting a bashing for not having new content? Because information was posted that Nintendo decided to cut out that content from the final game... i.e. they made the conscious decision to do so. So why would they now suddenly appear in a remake of the original? Will people suddenly now start demanding new content for the much sought-after Majora's Mask remake? 

Gamers really are a tough crowd to please! If you don't want to play it, don't buy it. There's a new Zelda game being released a month before this, with a brand new console title in the pipeline for next year, so why complain? Just be happy there's so much Zelda goodness floating around over the coming year. 

Gibdo88 said:
There have been remakes after remakes of many games in the past. Why is WW getting a bashing for not having new content? Because information was posted that Nintendo decided to cut out that content from the final game... i.e. they made the conscious decision to do so. So why would they now suddenly appear in a remake of the original? Will people suddenly now start demanding new content for the much sought-after Majora's Mask remake? 

Gamers really are a tough crowd to please! If you don't want to play it, don't buy it. There's a new Zelda game being released a month before this, with a brand new console title in the pipeline for next year, so why complain? Just be happy there's so much Zelda goodness floating around over the coming year. 

Nobody's Nintendo bashing. We're just disappointed. We're allowed to be disappointed aren't we?

People generally expect one of two things when a game is re-made, 1, it'll have extra content because games have moved on a lot and more is expected from a game now or 2, it'll be a lot cheaper than a full retail game.  

Gibdo88 said:
 If you don't want to play it, don't buy it.

I probably won't buy it, but ultimately this is a gaming forum dedicated to discussion. If people shouldn't be commenting on things then C3 probably wouldn't exist.

I just feel it's a missed opportunity, and ultimately I'm not sure why they're releasing it at all, other than "OMG there are no games for the Wii U, lets get a Zelda game out ASAP". The reason content was dropped when it was initially released was because of time constraints. They've used a lot of the content in subsequent games, which is fair enough, but the idea that a new dungeon or two would mess with the story line is clearly nonsense. 

( Edited 15.06.2013 09:33 by Cheesing it up )

Guys - no need for a (potential) argument!

Can see both sides of the table - it is a shame that there is a lack of bonus content or an extra dungeon for those who have played it, but the game itself will still be enjoyable to play again in HD!

The replies here really show how strongly people respond to Wind Waker - it is a shame that there aren't extra dungeons, but still a worthwhile purchase imo.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Not for me, no new content = no point. HD isnt the big deal everyone and there mum keeps making it out to be. 
This isnt "nintendo bashing" its just a statement - they would probably get more sales if they had some gameplay incentive for replaying, and not merely a visual change.

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I just wish we had a new dungeon near Jabu Jabu to earn the pearl rather than Jabu Jabu simply giving it us with no effort requried.

Still, HD Wind Waker, widescreen and 1080p is enough to get me to play through this gorgeous and fun game again.

ALSO, I want a Wind Waker Master Quest option. Smilie

( Edited 15.06.2013 13:06 by Ifrit XXII )

Well said!

When in doubt....Whip it out!

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