R4 Distributors Fined over $900,000 in Damages to Nintendo, Konami, Capcom and more

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.07.2013 1

R4 Distributors Fined over $900,000 in Damages to Nintendo, Konami, Capcom and more on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Two distributors for the R4 homebrew DS cartridges in Japan have been fined a huge sum of dollars for damages to various developers/publishers.

The R4 carts, the leading piracy device for DS, are banned in Japan and it looks like distributors will have to be wary about trying to bring these devices to retail. Two R4 distributors were fined 95,625,000 yen ($944,966.25 US) in damages, payable to the likes of Nintendo, Konami, Capcom, Level-5, Namco Bandai and around fifty others affected by the ongoing portable piracy.

Nintendo have issued a statement that it will continue to go bananas on those distributing/selling the flashcarts going forward.

What are your thoughts on the R4, flashcarts and DS piracy?

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Trabski (guest) 10.07.2013#1

$22,000 dollar on average per company. Is that really worth it? Has the war on copying really led to nicer consumers, bigger budget games and less organized illegal crime?

Is Nintendo on the right track showing their muscle to anti-corporation terrorists while at the same time expecting this from their loyal, well-intended customers?

"...By accepting this Agreement or using a Nintendo 3DS System or the Nintendo 3DS Service, you also grant to Nintendo a worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive and fully sublicensable license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display your User Content in whole or in part and to incorporate your User Content in other works, in any form, media or technology now known or later developed, including for promotional or marketing purposes."
(Chapter 1, Nintendo 3DS End User License Agreement)

Something seems amiss here. or is it just me?

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