Nintendo Confirms Call of Duty: Ghosts for Nintendo Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.07.2013 12

Nintendo Confirms Call of Duty: Ghosts for Nintendo Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Wii U version of Call of Duty: Ghosts has appeared from the shadows and has been confirmed for release by Nintendo.

Despite rumours that the popular first-person shooter would make an appearance on Nintendo's platform, fans have been left in the dark so far. However Nintendo has confirmed today that the next entry in the series will be launching on 5th November 2013 "with a new world, story, & powerful next-gen engine".

Will you be picking up Call of Duty: Ghosts on Nintendo Wii U this year?

Box art for Call of Duty: Ghosts

Infinity Ward




First Person Shooter



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I may pass on this years. The complete lack of support and free DLC the other versions got dampened my purchase of Black Ops II somewhat.

Ifrit XXII said:
The complete lack of support and free DLC the other versions got...

Still waiting for my Nuketown 2025 pre-order bonus! Hopefully I can download it soon... Smilie

That's good news for Nintendo. I'm guessing it'll be the red-headed step-child of the releases (as you all have mentioned, lacking real DLC support and other niceties), but it at least shows that Activision hasn't completely abandoned the Wii U. With the absence - so far at least - of any sort of competition from BF4 on Wii U, hopefully Ghosts will do okay. 

Since this is actually being done in-house by IW, I'm hoping the Wii U version will have care put into it. Maybe even DLC support too, I imagine it'll do better than BO2.

Unfortunately it's not my kinda game so I'm not sure I'll buy it even though I want to support third party games on Wii U. I really hope it does well though.

EDIT: Haha nevermind once again it's being ported by Treyarch.
I hope it does well anyway, just so Wii U gets better treatment in the future.

( Edited 25.07.2013 20:12 by SuperLink )

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SuperLink said:
Since this is actually being done in-house by IW, I'm hoping the Wii U version will have care put into it. Maybe even DLC support too, I imagine it'll do better than BO2.

Unfortunately it's not my kinda game so I'm not sure I'll buy it even though I want to support third party games on Wii U. I really hope it does well though.

EDIT: Haha nevermind once again it's being ported by Treyarch.
I hope it does well anyway, just so Wii U gets better treatment in the future.

IW won't touch Nintendo platforms. They seem to hate Nintendo, but that's cool because IW suck anyways. I've always found the Treyarch games to be better. The last good game IW developed was CoD4.

Yeah even though IW set up the template that's worked so well for CoD, Treyarch seem to be the ones who push their games the hardest. CoD Zombies became massive and the strategy and management system in BO2, whilst not perfect, shows that they're at least open to experimenting to make the games fresh and relevant.

MW2 and MW3? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. :/

Ifrit XXII said:

MW2 and MW3? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. :/

I actually really enjoyed MW2, although MW3 was one of the worst CODS ever. Hope this does well on wii u and hopefully it will turn out to be a good version as well!

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Good for Nintendo, especially if the game actually gets supported this time around. 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Never really been big into the Cod games but hearing this is still a positive for the WiiU for sure. More games that get announced from 3rd parties the better and it shows that some of the companires. are willing to bring their games over. I hope it isn't just a watered down, rush jobSmilie

When in doubt....Whip it out!

I trust in Treyarch to do a good job with the port. Their Wii Cod Games were great and last years Black Ops II Was very well done and took perfect advantage of all the different control options available on WiiU.

I don't doubt Treyarch can do good things for Wii controls and porting to different powered hardware, but it's a shame IW still haven't gotten over their petty Nintendo hatred.

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Treyarch is fantastic for Wii U support, they kept the Wii U version of BO2 updated until a few months ago. Probably because Activision was like "You're no longer putting your resources into the Wii U version, Nintendo fans can suffer muahahahaha".

From what I gather, Treyarch actually wanted to bring the map packs to the Wii U version.. but obviously the business decisions are made by Activision, who thought it would be a waste of money and resources. I wish Treyarch had the power to take things into their own hands... that's why I love indie developers so much.

( Edited 27.07.2013 14:09 by Mush )

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