Cross Platform RPG Wonder Flick Heading to Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.08.2013 4

Cross Platform RPG Wonder Flick Heading to Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Level-5 have announced a new cross-platform RPG with shared save data called Wonder Flick.

Pitched as a "100-hour" RPG, the project is in development for a plethora of platforms including Xbox One, Wii U, PS4, PS Vita, iOS and Android. As with most RPGs, players will be able to create a character, visit towns, conquer dungeons and battle through hordes of monsters. Interestingly, save packs can be shared across each platform and there will be platform-exclusive dungeons too.


Why the name, Wonder Flick? The concept uses touch-screen finger flicking combat in battle.

Nobuo Uematsu will be lending his musical skills to the project, with Level-5 boss Akihiro Hino sitting in the producer/director's seat. Bosses will be designed by Tokuzo Nagano, who has worked on Professor Layton, with character design by Final Fantasy XIII's Nao Ikeda.

The game will initially launch on smartphones this November as a free-to-play title, with console releases planned for next year.


More details can be seen on the project's official website.

Box art for Wonder Flick





Turn Based RPG



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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date 2014   Australian release date TBA   

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This looks pretty fun!!! 

Our member of the week

The battle system itself, if you exclude the "flick thing" seems kinda close to that of Baten Kaitos Origins in a sense, except you pick your actions from coins instead of cards.

If dungeon explorations is as basic as it seems to be in the video (you don't actually see the dungeon, you just see your location on a map, with an icon), then I get why the game is coming to consoles AND smartphones. Not the large scale RPG it seems to hint at when you see the vast landscape in the trailer.

I wonder how that cutscene inside the castle fits in the story though. Maybe just a demo at the beginning of the game, and not representative of actual gameplay or exploration.

I was interested at first but closer examination makes me want to take the news with a bit of apprehension.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Actually, I kind of imagine myself playing this game via flicking from GamePad in combat and think it would be great fun!
So I think this could be a great game if done right. Glad it comes for Wii U!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

When I hear the title, I think of "flick" as in movie (like "chick flick"). Is that just me?

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

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