Splinter Cell: Blacklist Wii U Can Drop to 20fps but Offers Sharp Graphics

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.08.2013 4

Splinter Cell: Blacklist Wii U Can Drop to 20fps but Offers Sharp Graphics on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A comparison of the different versions of Splinter Cell: Blacklist reveals a mixed performance for the game on Wii U.

Digital Foundry took hold of the various different versions of the game, revealing some positives for the Wii U edition when compared to the PS3 and Xbox 360. The actual output resolution of the Wii U version is a swift 1280 x 720px with 2x multi-sample anti-aliasing (MSAA). The PS3 and Xbox 360 both output at slightly lower resolutions, up-scaled, with the PS3 coming in at 1152 x 648px.

However, despite the better output resolution, there have been issues with textures as the Wii U version doesn't have an additional texture pack install that the other systems have, with longer loading times and framerates that dip to as shockingly low as 20fps due to the improved image clarity.

Digital Foundry feel that the lack of local split-screen could be attributed to the dip in frame rate, especially given that the PS3/360 versions drop to sub 25fps during this mode.


...However, the Wii U's lower frame-rates, patience-testing loading screens and occasional freezing issues can't be ignored either, meaning we'd advise caution before buying this version.

It feels rushed to market in these respects, and until a worthy patch arrives, the contest must be narrowed down to PS3 and 360 - a stalemate that itself can only be broken via your preference for either visual fidelity or performance.


Which console will you be playing Splinter Cell: Blacklist on?

Box art for Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist








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Wish you knew (guest) 28.08.2013#1

Bullshit. Ive heard similar freezing complaints for 360 on campaign while the wii u version only froze online. thats why I decided to stick to the U version and not the 360. I believe even PS3 is having the same issues yet I didnt bother here cause my ps3 is only used to watch blurays mostly.

Blop (guest) 28.08.2013#2

Then why didn't you just buy a blu-ray player?

Quentin (guest) 28.08.2013#3

Ive played my copy of Blacklist Wii U for several hours straight and havent witnessed any frame rate issues online or offline play. The game looks amazing, way better than the blurry ps3 version.

This is just another case of sloppy porting of "the Nintendo version". And for crying out loud, Wii U game disc capacity is on par with Blu-ray discs - about 25GBs. There's NO excuse why the enhanced texture pack wasn't included.

"Digital Foundry feel that the lack of local split-screen could be attributed to the dip in frame rate, especially given that the PS3/360 versions drop to sub 25fps during this mode."

Yeah, but Ubi said local co-op was left out of the Wii U version because they "didn't have enough time". lol

...and this is Wii U's best 3rd party supporter. *sigh* Oh, what times we're in. Smilie

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