Angry Birds to Race in Mario Kart Styled Game

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.10.2013 4

Angry Birds to Race in Mario Kart Styled Game on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Angry Birds will be attempting to take on the Nintendo karting crown with the release of Angry Birds Go! this December.

Announced today, the new game will pit the popular birds in adorable karts for a downhill race. Throw in coins, power-ups and customisation and the similarities are indeed there. Unlike Mario Kart, however, the game will be littered with in-game purchases and advertising. Angry Birds Go! will be released on iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Blackberry 10 on 11th December.


Thanks to C3 reader Flynnie to the tip.

What are your thoughts on the game - could it cause a dent in the Mario Kart crown?

Box art for Mario Kart 7








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Awwww shucks!

Actually looks really good though! Especially as its free-to-play but i don't really fancy paying for the add ons! 

I wonder if this would be a great title to have on the Ouya...

I'll eat my (rather delicious) hat if this doesn't come to any Nintendo systems eventually!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

This is not the worst idea i have ever seen, its sad that i really do want to play this. 

Nintendo do, what all others don't.

Its free so why not! I think it'll do well but not going to de-throne Mario Kart. We've seen so many karting games but none are better than Mario Kart....well maybe Crash Bash....or Diddy Kong Racing....but only in their own way!

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