Feature | Wii U 2013 Buyer's Guide and Video: Mario, Zelda, Call of Duty and more!

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.11.2013 1

The Wii U season is in full force, and after a year on the market the console has a wide range of games to enjoy, from classic concepts and fresh new ideas to explore.

As we enter the festive period, it's a case of which games to buy for the Nintendo Wii U, and why. From Super Mario 3D World to The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, Wii Fit U to Call of Duty: Ghosts, there's a solid selection of titles for families and the core gaming enthusiast to enjoy during the holidays and beyond.

The Cubed3 Team have compiled a selection of favourites that would love to find a home in the living room and not catching a chill all alone on the store shelf. Be sure to also watch our Wii U Buyer's Guide video below to see all these games in action!

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The Wonderful 101

Image for Feature | Wii U 2013 Buyer
If there's just one must-buy game for the Wii U, Wonderful 101 should be it. It is, flat out, a masterpiece. Combat is fluid, the game mechanics are easy to pick up but hard to master, gameplay interweaves with story segments seamlessly without taking control from the player for long. The writing and voice acting are top notch and hilarious - simply, brilliant. Javier

Super Mario 3D World

Image for Feature | Wii U 2013 Buyer
Throw Super Mario Bros. U and Super Mario Galaxy into a large pot, flavour with fresh new ideas and throwback mechanics and voila, Super Mario 3D World emerges and it's a succulent treat to be had. A wide range of challenging 3D levels, new power-ups and competitive multiplayer make this outing one of the most definitive entries in the series to date. Nintendo want a game that's easy enough for Mario newcomers to try and also rewarding for seasoned fans who want the latest platforming challenge. It's effortlessly cute, handles exceptionally well and is, well, a Mario game. Quids in and much enjoyment to be had! Jorge

Rayman Legends

Image for Feature | Wii U 2013 Buyer
Ubisoft failed big time when they pushed a complete ready to ship Rayman Legends out of Spring and out of Nintendo exclusivity. Instead Legends went straight up against the launch of Grand Theft Auto IV and sold miserably. But it didn't deserve to. This is a game made with love. It shows in every level, in the beautifully drawn and animated characters, the depth and breadth of quality in every facet of the game. Legends deserves a purchase if, for nothing else, to reward the developers who made this wonderful game. Javier

Pikmin 3

Image for Feature | Wii U 2013 Buyer
Fans kept asking and finally Nintendo delivered, and they delivered big. Pikmin 3 is everything a Pikmin fan could want. More than that, it's just a great game. The mix of strategy and action and puzzles Pikmin delivers is something not seen often in the game market, difficult to classify in terms of "Call of Duty style FPS" or "Street Fighter style fighting". If it were easier to categorize, it might sell better, but it probably wouldn't be such a good game. An alien explorer in a world riddled with secrets and dangerous species.Javier

Resident Evil Revelations

Image for Feature | Wii U 2013 Buyer
Family games aside, the Wii U does have its darker and creepier side for the solo player, and Resident Evil Revelations fits the bill with a terrifying leap back to the franchise's atmospheric, survival horror. The Wii U version of Revelations is the high-definition edition of the once-3DS exclusive, introducing spruced up graphics and continuing the innovation on the GamePad touch screen. Solid gameplay, truly terrifying beasts and a superb cast make this outing a must-have for fans of the survival horror genre. Jorge

Nintendo Land

Image for Feature | Wii U 2013 Buyer
Forget the haters. Nintendo Land is a high quality production. It's best when played with friends, but has enough heft for a single player game with the Zelda, Pikmin, Metroid, F-Zero, Donkey Kong, Takamaru's Ninja Castle, and other courses. The Wii U GamePad truly comes into play, offering players unique ways of interacting with others, whether it is controlling a space-ship in Metroid or playing the ghost in the addictive Luigi's Mansion attraction. Put aside the bias and give it a try, because it's definitely worth it. Javier

Call of Duty: Ghosts

Image for Feature | Wii U 2013 Buyer
A solo campaign that takes players quite literally out of this world and back into ferocious, war-torn terrain, Call of Duty: Ghosts is this year's big first-person-shooter adventure and the Wii U version brings plenty of options. Players can go traditional and wield guns using a Wii U Pro controller, have more tech on the GamePad or get even closer to the action with a Wii Remote and nun-chuck. Gritty, challenging and rewarding, Ghosts exudes the stellar multiplayer modes from the past Call of Duty titles, together with fresh campaigns including "Search and Rescue", "Blitz" and "Hunted". There aren't many first person shooters that come better than this. Jorge

New Super Mario Bros. U

Image for Feature | Wii U 2013 Buyer
Say what you will about the rehash nature of the New Super Mario Bros. series, but New Super Mario Bros. U provides some much needed innovation. While the "story" missions are, frankly, uninspired, the challenge maps are all kinds of genius and worth the price of entry. The first time gliding from one end of a map to the other without ever touching the ground, and doing it under the time limit for a gold medal and you'll understand what makes New Super Mario Bros. U worth it. Javier

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

Image for Feature | Wii U 2013 Buyer
Zelda: The Wind Waker's value will largely depend on whether you've ever played Wind Waker before, and if so how much enjoyment was had. The original Wind Waker is a great game with one of the finest stories seen in a Zelda. In HD the original's technical excellence and art style stand the test of time, delivering some really lovely visuals. And the game itself is highly refined, for instance by streamlining the Triforce quest and increasing sailing speed and ease. If you've never played Wind Waker before, or really loved the original, Zelda: The Wind Waker HD is worth it. Javier

Sonic Lost World

Image for Feature | Wii U 2013 Buyer
Whilst a majority of the Wii U list includes fan-favourite Super Mario Bros. games, there is still room for the world's fastest hedgehog, Sonic. The latest platforming romp comes courtesy to an agreement between Nintendo and SEGA, which gave birth to the exclusive Sonic Lost World. Each of the levels offer something unique, morsels of enjoyable ideas and challenges to overcome, with tricky boss sections to bring it all together. For the dedicated Sonic fan or newcomer, Sonic Lost World is one holiday destination to consider. Jorge


New Super Luigi U

Image for Feature | Wii U 2013 Buyer
Where New Super Mario Bros. U fell down in the quality of its story missions, New Super Luigi U picks up. The level design in the story missions is downright devious, brilliant, and exciting. 100 second timers on every course ensure some heart pounding moments. Yes, the New Super Mario Bros. series is growing long in the tooth in certain production values, namely art style and music, but the level design remains best in the business. Javier 

Wii Fit U

Image for Feature | Wii U 2013 Buyer
Available as both a Wii U eShop download and as a disc version, Wii Fit U, wants to inject those tricky exercise routines into the household once again. A free 30 day trial download is available for those who already own a Wii Balance Board, and this time round there'll be many new events to keep those muscles well nourished. Try a spot of calming yoga, test those balancing skills in mass catering or learn an impressive hip-hop dance routine. Grab hold of the new Fit Meter to monitor activity during the day and track progress in specialised online Wii Fit communities. Jorge

Zombi U

Image for Feature | Wii U 2013 Buyer
Zombi U is frankly one of the scariest games ever made. Couple a fragile character, ala Dark Souls, with dark, dangerous environments and it forges a scary good time. Oh, and if players die they really die, as in start over with a new character. Thankfully, the game saves story progress, so it'll mean having to go back and retrieve items from the zombified corpse… if possible. Also, who can resist running around a zombie-filled Buckingham Palace? Javier

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

Image for Feature | Wii U 2013 Buyer
Monster Hunter is all kinds of great. Actually, hunting giant monsters is sort of relaxing in an odd way, like clocking in for an hour's work, gathering up some herbs and skins and whatnot, crafting a bit of armour. There's a huge, wide-open world to explore, and even beyond the confines of the home with a rewarding online multiplayer experience. Combat ferocious beasts; bring back the spoils of war in hours of compelling adventuring. Javier

Lego City Undercover

Image for Feature | Wii U 2013 Buyer
Lego shouldn't be this good, but it is. A collaboration with Nintendo, Lego City Undercover provides one of the best open world gaming experiences on the market. Big beautiful environments and a variety of game mechanics, like wall running, provide some great moments. It's always fun to crash cars and watch little Lego bricks go flying. Throw in a well scripted storyline, brilliant voice acting and multiple missions, and this is one exceptional exclusive for Wii U. Javier

What are your favourite Wii U titles that you would recommend? Will you be adding any of these Wii U games to your collection this holiday season?

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Nice reel! Smilie

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