Pokémon Origins Now Available on Pokémon TV

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.11.2013 1

Pokémon Origins Now Available on Pokémon TV on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The first episode of Pokémon Origins has arrived on the Pokémon TV app and online.

Telling the tale of the original generation, Pokémon Red and Blue, or Green for those in Japan, the four part retrospective animé is a coming of age story for the poor hapless Red in a world of far more experienced trainers. The first episode recalls those first steps, from picking a Pokémon at Professor Oak's office to a heated battle with Brock.

Watch the first episode at Pokémon TV.

What were your thoughts on the first episode of Pokémon Origins - should it be made into a longer series?

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Yay! I haven't seen this yet, having it on Pokémon TV makes it really convenient. I can't wait to finally see it! Smilie

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