Bravely Could Become an Annual Affair

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.12.2013 2

Bravely Could Become an Annual Affair on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In an interview with the producer of Bravely Default, it was revealed that a yearly chapter could happen.

"Personally, I'm aiming to release a game for the Bravely series at least once a year", said Tomoya Asano whilst speaking to Japanese magazine Dengeki.

Asano also spoke about he use of SP Drinks in the sequel, how it hasn't really taken off in the original release, but will still be available in the new game based on feedback from Square Enix members.

There'll also be the inclusion of a possible benefit for those who carry on save data from the previous game, but "we've yet to decide on what", said Asano. "There may just be something good waiting for you", he teased.

That said, Bravely Second will still be made with newer players in mind, but recommends newcomers to at least play the first game to fully enjoy this latest chapter.

Are you looking forward to the latest Bravely title - should it become an annual affair?

Box art for Bravely Second: End Layer



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Darkflame (guest) 26.12.2013#1

Quickest way to kill a series's quality; put it on a schedule Smilie

Indeed, guess Square isn't aware of how Activision killed the Guitar Hero & Tony Hawk franchises or how people are starting to tire of so many CoDs & even Assassin's Creed over saturation.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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