Square Enix Launches Teaser Site for New RPG

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.04.2014

Square Enix Launches Teaser Site for New RPG on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix has launched a teaser site for what's said to be a new RPG in the works, known as Team 043.

The new site became available earlier today, and despite going public on 1st April, there does seem to be some authenticity behind the project. The detail describes a "Ranobe-Style RPG", where "Ranobe" relates to a young-adult episodic book series.

Following the brief and ambiguous description, there's a fairly extensive list of voice actors who are connected to the project.

Given the popularity of multimedia franchises of late, where a game ends up having its own manga/animé series, merchandise etc, the new Square Enix RPG could well fit the bill.

What do you think Team 043 could be?

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