Adventures of Pip - Early Gameplay Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.05.2014

Adventures of Pip - Early Gameplay Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Indie studio TicTocGames has posted early footage from crowd-funded retro platformer, Adventures of Pip.

The project launched on Kickstarter earlier this week, seeking $90,000 in funding to launch the project on Windows, Mac, Xbox One and Wii U.

The game follows the story of a single pixel that has the special ability to absorb pixels of fallen enemies, eventually evolving from square to fully blown hero. Pip "stomps, slashes, and dashes towards the Dark Queen on his quest to recover the kingdom's stolen pixels" in a classic side-scroller with a unique leveling-up system.

The studio posted a snippet of gameplay footage earlier this week, with an early look at how the concept looks in motion:


Will you pledge support for the Adventures of Pip?

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