Mario Kart 8 Leads Japan with Strong Sales

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.06.2014

Mario Kart 8 Leads Japan with Strong Sales on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest sales figures for the Japanese market have shown a surge in Wii U sales thanks to the launch of Mario Kart 8.

Earlier this week Nintendo posted strong figures for the game across the globe, with UK seeing a 666% rise in Wii U sales thanks to the latest Mushroom Kingdom racer.

Nintendo also saw a strong debut from the game in Japan, with 325,892 units sold - according to Media Create figures. The boost also saw a leap from around 9,000 Wii U consoles sold the week previous to a healthier 19,312 units sold during the week that included the Mario Kart 8 launch.

Media Create - Software Sales 26/05 - 01/06

1. (WIIU) Mario Kart 8 - 325,892 / NEW
2. (PS3) Mobile Suit Gundam Side Stories - 82,048 / NEW
3. (3DS) Youkai Watch 36,868 / 1,020,877
4. (PSV) Cho Megami Shinko Noire: Gekishin Black Heart - 26,015 / NEW
5. (PS3) World Soccer Winning Eleven 2014: Aoki Samurai no Chousen - 27,406 / 63,062
6. (3DS) World Soccer Winning Eleven 2014: Aoki Samurai no Chousen - 12,265 / 29,028
7. (PS4) inFamous: Second Son - 8,622 / 43,423
8. (PS3) IdolMaster: One For All - 6,910 / 102,793
9. (PS3) Arcana Heart 3: Love Max - 6,273 / NEW
10. (3DS) Mario Party: Island Tour - 6,064 / 383,989

Media Create - Hardware Sales 26/05 - 01/06

  • Wii U - 19,312
  • 3DS LL - 18,776
  • Vita - 12,859
  • PS3 - 6,922
  • PS4 - 6,508
  • 3DS - 4,957
  • PSP - 1,421
  • Vita TV - 1,098
  • Xbox 360 - 225
Can Nintendo maintain this momentum with Mario Kart 8 going forward?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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