E3 2014 Media | Watch the Super Smash Bros. Roundtable

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.06.2014

E3 2014 Media | Watch the Super Smash Bros. Roundtable on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A short recap of the Super Smash Bros. E3 roundtable session was posted on YouTube earlier this week.

We've already posted a full summary and the entire audio from the event, but an official direct-feed video from the session is now available.

Sakurai started off by introducing new fighter Pac-Man to the roster, then detailed the move-set variations/balancing for characters. The producer then went deeper into the Mii character announcement, highlighting the work the team have poured into getting these new faces just right.

Miibo was also touched upon, with Sakurai describing just how these figures will be used in the upcoming games.

Finally, Sakurai talked about the "Smash Run" feature from the Nintendo 3DS version, how the mode works and the added power gained whilst collecting items before the final battle.


For a full recap of the event, and audio, click here.

What elements of the new Super Smash Bros. games are you looking most forward to?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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