Mario Kart 8 Sells Around 2 Million so far

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.06.2014 9

Mario Kart 8 Sells Around 2 Million so far on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have confirmed that Mario Kart sales are hovering around the 2 million mark so far.

Since launching on May 29th/30th across the globe, Nintendo's first HD take on the much-loved Mario Kart series has sold  approximately 2 million units in less than a full month, according to Nintendo's Genyo Takeda.

Takeda confirmed the figure during the 74th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders today, as well as noting that Satoru Iwata will remain company president.

Have you picked up a copy of Mario Kart 8 yet?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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Currently the 8th best selling video game item of 2014 on Amazon (US), making it the best selling console game.

( Edited 27.06.2014 21:29 by Sonic_13 )

2 million is great...and it's a great attach rate....but its no FIFA or CoD sales figures is it...

Flynnie said:
2 million is great...and it's a great attach rate....but its no FIFA or CoD sales figures is it...
FIFA and CoD are on just about every system imaginable, Mario Kart 8 is a Wii U exclusive. Not a very plausible comparison. Smilie

For this to sell 2 million in under a month, on a system which is "doomed" is pretty damn good.

( Edited 28.06.2014 07:22 by Mush )

Mush said:
Flynnie said:
2 million is great...and it's a great attach rate....but its no FIFA or CoD sales figures is it...
FIFA and CoD are on just about every system imaginable, Mario Kart 8 is a Wii U exclusive. Not a very plausible comparison. Smilie

For this to sell 2 million in under a month, on a system which is "doomed" is pretty damn good.

Agreed. It makes zero sense to compare sales for a game that launches on one system with a game that launches on numerous platforms.

Mario Kart 8 launched on just Wii U.

FIFA 14, for example, launched on Widows, Nintendo 3DS, Wii, PS2, PS3, PS4, PSP, PSVita, Andoid, iOS, Windows Phone,  Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Hi (guest) 28.06.2014#5

With an average price point of £40 that's £80million in the gaming industries pocket...not bad for one system!? I know a couple of folk who sold up their wiiu just before release of mk8 for a ps4. Now they want another wiiu of course!

But the Wii U is 'doomed'...if Mario Kart can only shift 2 million units then thats the buzz over...lets assume they get another 2 million out of it for the next life time its hardly great is it.

Smash Bros won't save the Wii U will just appease the small Nintendo fan base.

Nintendo is doomed, they are going to go out of business and we are all going to be playing Playstation 5's and Xbox Two's and C3 will have to change to a dedicated SONY/MS site! :O

Flynnie said:
But the Wii U is 'doomed'...if Mario Kart can only shift 2 million units then thats the buzz over...lets assume they get another 2 million out of it for the next life time its hardly great is it.

I think you're under-estimating how well it will sell over its lifetime. 
Mario Kart Wii sold just over a million in both the US and Japan after it's first month (in April). This is obviously better than the Wii U version, with about 2 million worldwide after a similar timeframe.

But by the end of August (4 months later) this had increased to 2.4 million in the US and 1.6 million in Japan. 
Lifetime sales exceeded 5 million in the US.

There's no real reason why the Wii U version won't follow a similar trend, albeit with admittedly smaller numbers. The immediate buzz is perhaps over, but lots of people will want to play Mario Kart  at Christmas, or get it with a Wii U when Smash Brah comes out.

( Edited 28.06.2014 13:15 by Cheesing it up )

Flynnie said:
lets assume they get another 2 million out of it for the next life time its hardly great is it.

Nintendo games are famous for selling well years after release.

Even Mario Kart Wii, which came out in 2008, sold another million plus copies last year, 5 years after it came out. I'm not saying it's going to have MKWii levels of success, but only expecting maybe another 2 million over the lifetime of Wii U seems shortsighted. NSMBU has already sold more than the 4 million you expect from MK8 and that was without the huge sales boom caused by MK8.

( Edited 29.06.2014 00:27 by Sonic_13 )

Hopefully this sends a message to devs that Nintendo STILL makes good games & that there IS a demand for conventional video games on Nintendo's consoles. Can't WAIT to see those doubting devs admit they were WRONG!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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