Nintendo of America Can't Support Squids Odyssey Cross Platform Download yet

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.07.2014

Nintendo of America Can

Nintendo's cross-platform ownership approach for Squids Odyssey will not be brought over to North America just yet.

This week Squids Odyssey is launching in Europe, and the game will be part of a new "conditional sales" initiative to allow players to purchase the game on 3DS, and then download the same title for free on Wii U. According to developer The Game Bakers, it only works in this order - so the game will need to be bought first on 3DS in order to qualify for the Wii U version. Baby steps Nintendo, baby steps.

It seems Nintendo of Europe were the ones to initiate the process, as "they asked us if we'd be interested in this kind of operation and we said yes. I believe Squids Odyssey is one of the first titles or the first title to support this."

Those in North America wanting a similar incentive will have to wait some time as the studio did ask, but "NOA could not support this kind of promotion."

Should Nintendo make cross-platform available across most, if not all, download titles?

Box art for Squids Odyssey

The Game Bakers


The Game Bakers


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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