A Look at the Rival Character in Gunvolt

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.08.2014 1

A Look at the Rival Character in Gunvolt on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest issue of Famitsu magazine detailed a new rival character for Azure Striker Gunvolt.

It's not all about the protagonist's time in the spotlight, as there'll be a recurring character to fend off - a "psychic hunter" called Acura. With a strong hatred towards the Sumeragi Group psychics, he is able to steal and analyse the powers of other psychics despite not having any powers of his own.

With such a deadly ability, Acura poses a treat against Gunvolt throughout the tricky 3DS platformer.

Image for A Look at the Rival Character in Gunvolt

What do you think of the Acura character design?

Box art for Azure Striker Gunvolt

Inti Creates


Inti Creates


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2 things come to mind when I think of "Acura".

1: A car manufacturer

2: Heavy influence in the "Red vs Blue" design of Protoman & Megaman.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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