How Felynes Help in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.08.2014 3

How Felynes Help in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The way Felynes support characters will work in the upcoming Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate will be different.

Speaking to the game's director Kaname Fujioka, he noted how these adorable companions will have "stats, just like any other character would." The Felynes can also launch players up in the air, similar to a jump attack, but allowing players to jump where they "couldn't normally perform a jumping attack."

Depending on how stats match up between Felynes, players can "lay traps. they can notify you when enemies are in a weakened state. It depends on what kind of Felynes you have, and how they combine with the other ones during the quest."

Finally, these critters will also come with new attacks.

What do you think of the changes in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate?

Box art for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Also known as

Monster Hunter 4G









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Always liked how they used cats in MH.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Always liked how they used cats in MH.
Totally. Adds to that charm and sense of humour the series has. I mean, you eat food that's cooked by bloody cats! Having them back as companions in MH4U will be much better than the Shakalakas from the third generation. They sound far more useful than the Shakalakas, too.

( Edited 17.08.2014 13:23 by SirLink )

So they replace Chacha & Kambia then but are more useful. I kinda figured as much, still it's great that they can launch players into a Jump attack.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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