Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3 First Trailer

By Az Elias 18.09.2014

Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3 First Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Koei Tecmo has revealed the first gameplay trailer for Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3, which is coming to Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita in Japan on 4th December.

The game will include a number of features, such as the character change system, letting players switch between fighters on the fly; friendship levels, which are increased as choices are made during conversation events; special battle techniques that can lower enemy morale and increase your own army's abilities; the House of Martial Arts, where high scores can be aimed for in time-constrained missions; "What If?" and History scenarios, where the main modes of the game are held; and an action system that is based on the one from Samurai Warriors 4.

Gameplay below looks to mainly show off the Vita version, but 3DS fans will still be able to gain an idea of what to expect.

Box art for Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3

Omega Force


Koei Tecmo





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