What are Mirage Spots in Pokémon?

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.10.2014 3

What are Mirage Spots in Pokémon? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Earlier this week Nintendo mentioned "Mirage Spots" for Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, but just what are they?

The official Japanese website has shown an example of what these locations look like; a swirling black cloud that's hovering high above land. Using the new move "Soar", players can float on inside, where rare critters and items await.

The website also teased secret areas that can only be accessed at certain points in the game, or where certain conditions are met.

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire is landing in North America on November 21st and a week later, November 28th, in Europe for Nintendo 3DS.

Image for What are Mirage Spots in Pokémon?
Image for What are Mirage Spots in Pokémon?

What beasts are you hoping to see within the Mirage Spots?

Box art for Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

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Georg3 (guest) 18.10.2014#1

It is an amazing idea, I have to say, but if the Battle Frontier isn't in, this is a poor substitute. The Battle Frontier defined Hoenn, and I speak on behalf of many Hoenn fans when I say that it ought to return. New ideas don't make remakes exciting when the original features of the game are removed. Good idea nonetheless.

Why can't they have just made FLY do this? Instead it's assigned to two Pokemon that I have no interest in having in my party. :/ 

Ifrit, it says on for instance Serebii you summon the pokémon with a new key item, a flute of sorts. Forgot the actual name. So you don't need to actually have mega-Latios/Latias in your party.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

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