Mario Kart 8 Online Will Offer 32 or 40 Courses

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.11.2014 5

Mario Kart 8 Online Will Offer 32 or 40 Courses on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have outlined how the Mario Kart 8 DLC works online - offering an option to play 32 or 40 courses. The first Mario Kart 8 DLC pack will be available from 13th November, containing eight new courses, extra characters and vehicles.

Those who have downloaded the content and head online after the release of the first Mario Kart 8 DLC pack will be asked whether they would like to play the original 32 courses or with all 40. The same options will be available for those who create tournaments.

Those without DLC will be limited to races within the 32 course selection, allowing for those with the DLC to continue undisrupted.

As for characters, however, those who don't have the additional costumes/characters will still be able to see them in races.

What do you think of the way Nintendo are handling online content disparity in Mario Kart 8?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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Our member of the week

I guess that means a compulsory update for everyone is coming right up then, since those who won't have purchased the pack still need the data pertaining to the characters and vehicles which are not "on-disc"

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
I guess that means a compulsory update for everyone is coming right up then, since those who won't have purchased the pack still need the data pertaining to the characters and vehicles which are not "on-disc"
There are usually these updates for players who don't own the DLC. They're commonly known as compatibility updates, so that players who don't own DLC can play with others who do own the DLC.

These updates are common in most fighting games with downloadable characters/costumes. Pretty sure there was one of these when the Mercedes-Benz DLC came out, right?

( Edited 07.11.2014 04:36 by Mush )

Hmm, I saw lots of people complaining abut this, but isn't this how most online games handle DLC? I can't really think of another way they could do it.

Also, I've not seen anything about how it works with private friend rooms yet.

( Edited 07.11.2014 09:39 by Marzy )

Chris G (guest) 07.11.2014#4

Yes well there will be an automatic updates anyway for amiibo features.

Guest 08.11.2014#5

f-zero course? yup f-zero's NEVER returning because nintendo fans are satisfied with just freaking starfox EVEN THOUGH COMMAND, ASSAULT, ADVENTURES, & THE 3DS REMAKE SOLD LIKE CRAP!!!!! Smilie

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