Build a Moon Town in Bravely Second for 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.12.2014

Build a Moon Town in Bravely Second for 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix have detailed a mini game to be featured in Bravely Second as protagonist Magnolia builds up her hometown.

Interestingly, her village is located on the moon, where folk live within the deep craters along the surface. In order to build up the town with building and resources, players will need to rally people through StreetPass connectivity, with an increase in folk minimising the time needed to build.

As the number of buildings grow, adventurers will encounter bosses, forge better equipment and items - a game within its own right.

Image for Build a Moon Town in Bravely Second for 3DS

Also to be included in the upcoming 3DS RPG will be a return of the journal feature, held by Yu Zenolsia, with details on all sorts of beasts and game secrets to skim through.

Bravely Second will feature the option to save various customisation groups called "sets", where characters' jobs, commands and equipment can be saved - allowing players to go forth with multiple configurations without too much hassle.

Image for Build a Moon Town in Bravely Second for 3DS

Finally, the game will include a new mechanic called "Consecutive Chance," where if players defeat all enemies in a single turn, they'll have another go to grab 1.5x the initial reward - BO will remain the same, however.

What do you think of the latest changes/additions in Bravely Second?

Box art for Bravely Second: End Layer



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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