Sumikko Gurashi is a Hit in Japan

By Lex Firth 28.12.2014 1

Sumikko Gurashi is a Hit in Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It may not be big in the West, but it appears that Sumikko Gurashi has taken Japan by storm. It's a collection of characters who live in the corner of the room - the title translates as "Living Corner" - in order to appeal to the Japanese who, according to creators stationery company San-X, "love corners. They want to secure the corner seats when they ride trains and when they go to surrounding cafes. Somehow corners calm them down."

The collection was launched in 2012 with quirky characters such as an penguin lacking in confidence who wants to be a kappa, a slug who wears a shell to pretend to be a snail, and even a discarded pork cutlet, and was joined by a 3DS game in November 2014 named Sumikko Gurashi: Koko ga Ochitsukundesu​, a social game for up to 5 players.

That game, published by record label Nippon Columbia, has now gone on to sell 100k units and been deemed a success. As a result, a hard case for the New Nintendo 3DS XL is even being released.

Image for Sumikko Gurashi is a Hit in Japan

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It's always great to see these quirky little games that manage to carve out a niche for themselves over in Japan. Never seems to happen over here. Last time something really took off was probably Cooking Mama many moons ago.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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