Differences Between Zelda: Majora's Mask 3DS vs N64

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.01.2015 6

Differences Between Zelda: Majora

How is The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask shaping up on Nintendo 3DS, compared to the Nintendo 64 version?

One fan has put the two versions side by side, looking at the opening minutes and cutscenes, highlighting some of the significant changes - character models, lighting, textures and more.

Earlier this week Nintendo surprised fans with confirmation that the 3DS remake of the much heralded Nintendo 64 classic is only a few weeks away from release, crashing down on 13th February in Europe and North America.


Which of the two versions do you prefer?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask





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I've seen so many people complaining about how it looks. It's funny, because if it was the other way around - the new 3DS graphics/look was the original and the old version was the new look, everyone would be shouting about how crap it looked in comparison.

I really think it's just down to nostalgia vision, I felt the same way at first when I saw Ocarina of Time 3D. Now I look back I wonder how I felt that way. The game looks a lot better than on N64.

trip (guest) 17.01.2015#2

Not doing N64 version any favours here. I'm sure my N64 ran better than this. Anyways, my money is on New 3DS version.Looking forward to MM in lovely shiny 3D.

The extra detail looks brilliant, nice and crisp. It could, perhaps, be a bit darker in some of the shadow work - perhaps - but it does look pretty sweet.

I may give it a go, again.

First played MM back when it was released, and struggled - I was around 13 and found the pacing way too difficult, given the time constraints. Did finish it, though, but had to use FAQs loads. As for my second proper playthough, last year, definitely enjoyed it way more - stuck on the water dungeon, though!


Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I was simply too young to play the original, therefore I haven't had the chance to play this game before. However, ot seems to me that from your experience, you have a reliable and valid opinion of the game. I am impressed by the graphics, plus the most recent iteration was great game, yet would you think that there is anything I need to know before playing Majora's Mask?

kingdom (guest) 17.01.2015#5

Get. Every. Mask.

That's my advice: nothing better than getting a mask. You need the fierce deity mask. You haven't completed the game without it.

Don't cheat. Find them all yourself.

It looks amazing Smilie Am currently finishing off my Wii VC version at the moment (got all masks) and it's crazy how much has changed. The original is quite ugly to look at now. Smilie

Has MM3D got a Master Quest mode?

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