Pokkén Tournament Details Unveiled

By Lex Firth 23.01.2015 3

Pokkén Tournament Details Unveiled on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

New details for Bandai Namco's new Pokémon fighting game Pokkén Tournament through an online stream.

Three new playable characters have been confirmed alongside the previously revealed Machamp and Lucario: Pikachu uses electric attacks like Thunder and Electro Ball; Suicune uses various kicks as well as moves such as Ice Beam; and Gardevoir fights with various psychic beams.

Players will also be able to summon Support Pokémon onto the field. Two Support Pokémon can be selected at the start of each match, and are charged throughout the fight in order to be called into play. Currently revealed Support Pokémon include Snivy, who uses Leaf Tornado, Lapras, who uses Surf, Emolga, who uses Shock Wave, and Fennekin, who uses Ember.

Image for Pokkén Tournament Details Unveiled
Image for Pokkén Tournament Details Unveiled

The gameplay will take place on a 3D playing field, although it won't be played with a traditional fighting stick - the revealed controller contains only a D-Pad, four face buttons, and two shoulder buttons.

Image for Pokkén Tournament Details Unveiled

Players can take the fight onto a number of stages, although only two have been revealed thus far. Chrom Town is set in a lush valley, while Phos Volcano is located near the ruins of an ancient civilisation.

Location tests will take place in Japan between 30th January and 1st February, with a couple of locations allowing for online play. No information has been revealed yet regarding a full Japanese arcade release, a Western release, or a release outside of consoles.

The entire stream is available to watch here:

Box art for Pokkén Tournament

Bandai Namco







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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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This is exactly why we still need arcades in every city.. :/

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

This better come to Wii U eventually!

Randy Freer (guest) 24.01.2015#3

Looks so freaking bad ass!

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