Once Bitten, Twice Dead Kickstarter Now Live

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.03.2015 3

Once Bitten, Twice Dead Kickstarter Now Live on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The kickstarter campaign for open-world indie shooter Once Bitten, Twice Dead is now live.

The campaign, from Australian developer Dark Day, has an initial target of $20,000 AUD, with funding needed to bring the deadly concept to Wii U, PC, Mac and Linux.

Craft, forge weapons and survive in an expansive, colourful world - with a maximum of 100 other players, with plans to bring cross-platform support. Pick one of fifteen unique characters, each with their own skills, and stock up on weapons to fight against the undead. Rot-munchers, night survival, multiple game modes and crafting are just part of Once Bitten, Twice Dead's ambitious first-person concept.

For more, be sure to read our Once Bitten, Twice Dead interview.


Will you pledge support towards Once Bitten, Twice Dead?

Box art for Once Bitten, Twice Dead

Dark Day


Dark Day





C3 Score

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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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I might do if it is the difference between the game getting made or not. Like in if it has not reached the goal when it is 48 hours left. Otherwise I rather wait until its release as I need to save up money.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

This Kickstarter is to help pay for devkit for the Wii U and to further fund the game's development. If you leave it till the final 48hrs, it defeats the object of going to Kickstarter, it'll fail and not meet its goal and the game will never release on the platform.

How exactly does that ruin anything that I wait until there is 48 hours left of the Kickstarter so I know if my help to fund the project is actually needed? Personally I do gladly help funding its release if it is needed, but I am not interested in pre-ordering it just to pre-order it as I have way more urgent things to put my money on, but if my money becomes the difference between it getting released or not so do I gladly help.

I am going to help fund it if it is needed, but I have no interest in pre-ordering it for the sake of preordering it.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

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