Bloodstained Hits Wii U Stretch Goal

By Az Elias 31.05.2015 2

Bloodstained Hits Wii U Stretch Goal on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mere days after Koji Igarashi's Kickstarter project, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, made its Wii U stretch goal public, the $3 million needed to secure the Nintendo home console version has been reached.

Taking into account the PayPal funds, the current total ensures that Armature will definitely be developing the Wii U port of the Castlevania spiritual successor, with new details regarding this edition now released.

Both physical discs and digital copies of the Wii U game can be chosen for backers that pledge $28 or more - simply select "Wii U" in the post-Kickstarter survey. Armature has also drawn up a list of features that they want to include in the port:

  • Pro Controller Support
  • The map on GamePad while playing on the TV
  • The ability to draw on/annotate the map
  • Play exclusively on the GamePad (off-screen play)
  • Miiverse social integration
  • Featuring your Mii in-game
Armature is also open to ideas, so backers should make sure to share thoughts in the comments of the Kickstarter page.
Image for Bloodstained Hits Wii U Stretch Goal
Additionally, new stretch goals have been drummed up, including asynchronous online multiplayer at $3.25m, which entails ideas such as borrowing friends' character stats, viewing their ghost data against bosses, and friends' playthroughs affecting your own game. A PS Vita port is also on the cards at $3.5m, to also be handled by Armature, who has extensive porting knowledge of Sony's handheld.

Don't be surprised to see these goals smashed in the coming days...

If you want to pledge money or get your guaranteed order down for the confirmed versions of the game so far, be sure to head on over to the Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Kickstarter page. The game is penned in to release in March 2017.

Box art for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night



Inti Creates


2D Platformer



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Games looks sick, but to see nintendo try to be 'mature' after they betrayed their fans for so long is painful to see.

Dragon0085 said:
Games looks sick, but to see nintendo try to be 'mature' after they betrayed their fans for so long is painful to see.

Elaborate? Not sure where that's coming from in relation to this game. Nintendo systems - GBA and DS especially - have been home to awesome Castlevanias. Nothing to do with Nintendo that Iga/Armature are bringing Bloodstained to Wii U.

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