Explore the Multiverse in Nostalgia: Two Worlds for Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.08.2015 1

Explore the Multiverse in Nostalgia: Two Worlds for Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A cross between traditional RPGs and visual novels, Nostalgia: Two Worlds, is in development for Wii U and PC.

Join protagonist Alice to uncover the secrets of the universe through an interactive adventure that sees her composed of the fictional element "Arcanus", which would allow humans to open portals between different multi-verses. Be warned, though - if a person dies in one, their alter ego also perishes...

The developer, Magna Studios, is pitching as a mature title, with  "Violence, Murder, Heavy language, and strong references."

Image for Explore the Multiverse in Nostalgia: Two Worlds for Wii U
Image for Explore the Multiverse in Nostalgia: Two Worlds for Wii U

Nostalgia: Two Worlds is said to be inspired by the likes of Phoenix Wright, 999/Zero Escape: Virtue Last Reward, Snatcher, as well as classic RPGs like the Mother series.

For more, be sure to visit the Nostalgia: Two Worlds website.

What are your thoughts on the concept?

Box art for Nostalgia: Two Worlds








C3 Score

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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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I do sincerely love what I see so far. This seems like a game worth to keep track on. I sincerely love the revealed characters and the game seems to hide some deep messages and a complex story. The world seems to be marvelous. So far everything looks very very good and of high quality containing all I personally expect of the genre.

I am also happy to see it being released on the Wii U. The Wii U need console exclusive games, no doubt about that, and this is sincerely one fitting perfectly with what Nintendo on their own are releasing on the system. Marvelous indeed. Makes me a happy Wii U owner looking at the future. But it makes my wallet a sad wallet... XD

( Edited 26.08.2015 22:14 by Andre Eriksson )

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

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