How Dementium Remastered Has Improved

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.09.2015 2

How Dementium Remastered Has Improved on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

So just how will Dementium Remastered be boosted on Nintendo 3DS? Renegade Kid has shared new details on the port.

The critically acclaimed game will get extra features when it brings a slice of eerie and the unknown to Nintendo's handheld, and the studio have outlined some of these changes.

There'll be a set of new difficulty options, particularly useful for those who played the original Dementium on Nintendo DS. There's also a manual saving system, no more re-spawning monsters and tweaks to the visual detail in the game - textures, normal maps and re-rendered cutscenes, for example.


Will you pick up the survival horror tale on Nintendo 3DS?

Box art for Dementium

Renegade Kid


Renegade Kid





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Our member of the week

My biggest hope is more variety in the environments to make areas stand out more from one another, so as to avoid getting lost AND a better map system, which really didn't help finding your way in there.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

We still haven't got Moon 3DS so I'm not expecting to see this in Europe either.

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