Introducing Female Link, Linkle, for Hyrule Warriors

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.11.2015 9

Introducing Female Link, Linkle, for Hyrule Warriors on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A new character has been invited into the world of Hyrule Warriors Legends - a villager called Linkle.

It's been speculated for some time that a female take on the Hylian Hero would be included in the brawler, and during Nintendo Direct tonight Linkle became official - a young girl who lives in a village full of Cuccos.

Image for Introducing Female Link, Linkle, for Hyrule Warriors

Linkle, dressed in similar green garb to Link, wields two crossbows for nippy damage, and can also use them in deadly melee attacks as players frantically tap the attack button.

Hyrule Warriors: Legends launches on 25th March, with a limited edition version available on the same day for the hardcore collector.


Will you play as Linkle in the new game?

Box art for Hyrule Warriors Legends

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The more stuff that's revealed for this game, the more frustrating it is as an owner of the Wii U version that doesn't intend to pick up the weaker port.

Hope there's more characters to come before release... Malon, please!!

Azuardo said:
The more stuff that's revealed for this game, the more frustrating it is as an owner of the Wii U version that doesn't intend to pick up the weaker port.

Hope there's more characters to come before release... Malon, please!!

Same here. Even if I got a 3DS copy for free, I still cringe at the thought of playing a crappy version of a Warriors game on a handheld. They're meant for the big screen, with as much spectacle as possible.

these new characters need to be coming to the wiiu version. free.. i doubt it but it should be only a matter of when.

Linkle looks freaking awesome! Makes me want to play Hyrule Warriors again! I loved her crossbow attacks and animations.

They better add all these new characters to the Wii U version.

I have only got to play the Demo versions of the Wii U game, I'm a little undecided, I got bored during the demo, just felt like continuous hacking and slashing...I've been tempted by this 3DS version but I will hold back until I've seen enough about it to make a more conscious decision!

Didn't they say all content for the 3DS game would eventually come to the Wii U version, or was that just the Wind Waker content?

NNID: crackedthesky
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crackedthesky said:
Didn't they say all content for the 3DS game would eventually come to the Wii U version, or was that just the Wind Waker content?

All I know is that you can transfer these new characters from 3DS version to Wii U version if you own both (well, the WW characters for sure - not sure I've seen it mentioned for Linkle and Skull Kid). Nothing about Wii U owners being able to buy them or download them without the 3DS game in the future. I think we can expect it to happen, but I guess it's their incentive to make people buy the 3DS game for now, so nothing's been said.

Azuardo said:
crackedthesky said:
Didn't they say all content for the 3DS game would eventually come to the Wii U version, or was that just the Wind Waker content?

All I know is that you can transfer these new characters from 3DS version to Wii U version if you own both (well, the WW characters for sure - not sure I've seen it mentioned for Linkle and Skull Kid). Nothing about Wii U owners being able to buy them or download them without the 3DS game in the future. I think we can expect it to happen, but I guess it's their incentive to make people buy the 3DS game for now, so nothing's been said.

I've seen Skull Kid confirmed for this at the end of one of the trailers. I assume Linkle will be much of the same.

I'll be picking this up, mainly because I've enjoyed portable Warriors games in the past. The thing that does it for me is the ability to switch between multiple characters on the fly.

Personally I think Link's been female all along, and this is the first time she has been confident enough to be her true self Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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