Two Classic Nintendo 64 Sports Games Race onto Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.12.2015 10

Two Classic Nintendo 64 Sports Games Race onto Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Two classic N64 sports games are part of this week's eShop updates in Europe.

When taking a stroll back through time, many Nintendo 64 players would likely agree that amongst the more memorable titles had to be Nintendo's efforts with sports games. Wave Race 64 and 1080° Snowboarding are two of these sports gems, and they'll be leaping, sliding and racing to the finish on Wii U this week.

Nintendo are also running a launch promotion until 7th January, with 50% off one of the games if you've purchased the other at full price.

Image for Two Classic Nintendo 64 Sports Games Race onto Wii U

Will you pick up one or both of these Nintendo 64 classics?

Box art for 1080° Snowboarding








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Might actually pick these up. I love Wave Race 64! It's one of my favourite games, the soundtrack is so rad, too. I never played 1080, so I've always wanted to try it out.

Wave Race 64 AND 1080° Snowboarding?! You lucky guys! I hope Nintendo will release those two gems on Wii U's VC service in the US soon. Smilie

Wish they'd bring back Excitebike 64, too. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.
Our member of the week

Wave Race 64, I had bought the Wii VC release (the one without the Kawasaki license) so I'll get that at a discounted price on the Wii U Smilie !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Looking forward to trying out Wave Race at 60hz.

How strange to re-include the Kawasaki license...a bit of a strange thing to renew considering there is a version without it. What's stranger is that nearly after 20 years and the European version still doesn't haven't the rumble feature. I've been smashing Waverace out of my Japanese 64 recently and it's an amazing game! 1080 is a good game too. I'd thoroughly recommend both titles to anyone who hasn't played them!

Our member of the week

Flynnie said:
How strange to re-include the Kawasaki license...a bit of a strange thing to renew considering there is a version without it.

Wait, what? They've re-included it???

1080° also had a license. For... Hilfiger I believe?? I wonder if that's still in Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:

Flynnie said:
How strange to re-include the Kawasaki license...a bit of a strange thing to renew considering there is a version without it.

Wait, what? They've re-included it???

1080° also had a license. For... Hilfiger I believe?? I wonder if that's still in Smilie

I can confirm they're both in. Smilie Bought them yesterday. Wave Race is just how I remember, but I had a really hard time with 1080, I barely can land my board most of the time. ^^;

Our member of the week

Marzy said:

RudyC3 said:

Flynnie said:
How strange to re-include the Kawasaki license...a bit of a strange thing to renew considering there is a version without it.

Wait, what? They've re-included it???

1080° also had a license. For... Hilfiger I believe?? I wonder if that's still in Smilie

I can confirm they're both in. Smilie Bought them yesterday. Wave Race is just how I remember, but I had a really hard time with 1080, I barely can land my board most of the time. ^^;

That's awesome thanks for confirming Smilie ! Yeah 1080 is a HARD game, not easy to get into at all. The Gamecube sequel was much better in that regard, the controls were more arcadey whereas in the N64 one it's more simulationey.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:

Marzy said:

RudyC3 said:

Flynnie said:
How strange to re-include the Kawasaki license...a bit of a strange thing to renew considering there is a version without it.

Wait, what? They've re-included it???

1080° also had a license. For... Hilfiger I believe?? I wonder if that's still in Smilie

I can confirm they're both in. Smilie Bought them yesterday. Wave Race is just how I remember, but I had a really hard time with 1080, I barely can land my board most of the time. ^^;

That's awesome thanks for confirming Smilie ! Yeah 1080 is a HARD game, not easy to get into at all. The Gamecube sequel was much better in that regard, the controls were more arcadey whereas in the N64 one it's more simulationey.

Yeah, I remember being able to get used to 1080 Avalanche pretty easily, at least the basics. I had a lot of fun with that game. Especially the avalanche stages, those were so thrilling.

Nintendo released 1080° Snowboarding on Wii U's VC service in the US about a week ago. So I'm really stoked about that (still waiting on Wave Race 64, though). Downloaded it and am having a blast. Forgot how hard it is, though. lol Smilie

I really wish they'd add GameCube support to Wii U's VC service so we could get Wave Race: Blue Storm and 1080°: Avalanche. LOVE those games.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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