Theatrhythm Producer Keen to Keep the Music Flowing

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.01.2016 1

Theatrhythm Producer Keen to Keep the Music Flowing on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

RPG giant Square Enix may dust off its dancing shoes with the chance of more Theatrhythm games.

The musical series has proven popular amongst fans, with the chance to play as one of your favourite Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy faces, whilst merrily tapping along to iconic tunes from huge catalogues of songs. But with Square Enix having a wide range of other franchises to pick from, the prospect of more Theatrhythm games is certainly there.

Speaking to Nintendo Dream this month, series producer Ichiro Hazama said he'd "still want to continue" and how he's "been devising various plans" every day, urging fans to "please keep supporting [the series] as usual."

Not sure what Theatrhythm's all about? Have a read of our Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy review for more.

What franchises would you like to see Square Enix induct into the Theatrhythm world - Mana, Chrono, SaGa...anything else?

Box art for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy



Square Enix





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Was sad to see the DLC for Curtain Call come to an end, especially because I was hoping and hoping for some LRFF13 tracks. They missed out quite a few major ones across the franchise, including FF7's Birth of a God and Jenova Absolute.

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