Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is Now on Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.01.2016 4

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is Now on Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Fan favourite RPG Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is coming to the eShop this week.

Out today on the Wii U eShop in North America and Europe, the game tells the tale of Marche, as you guide him and a clan against hordes of foes, building up abilities and using a fair few tactics to win the battle on an isometric grid. If you're unfamiliar with Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, the game couldn't be more different to the standard Final Fantasy setup, with an overhead map and battles dictated by a Judge.

The fate of the kingdom Ivalice is in your hands...


Will you take on Final Fantasy Tactics Advance on Wii U this week?

Box art for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

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Square Enix





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (8 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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This has popped into my head just now as I see yet another classic game has released on Wii U.

Are we going to face another case with NX of Nintendo starting from scratch and re-re-re-releasing retro games in a spoonfed manner over the course of many years, with nothing to reward those that have bought the same game multiple times on previous hardware? Releasing the same game separately on Wii, 3DS and Wii U and expecting people to pay for it has been incredibly anti-consumer, even with a small discount for Wii U versions if you owned on Wii etc. (Sony isn't exempt from this completely, since it's not possible to simply transfer your classic PS1/PS2 games bought on PS3/Vita to PS4, but their case in the past has been to offer cross-buy so that if you buy on one system, you get it free on the other, and can transfer save files etc; and in the case of PS2 classics on PS4, they have been rebuilt to run on the system with small upgrades like full Trophy lists).

As the third home console since Virtual Console began, in my opinion at this point in time, it makes sense now to copy over every single retro game that is currently available on Wii U to be ready to go and purchasable on Day 1 when NX launches, with anyone that owns one of those titles on Wii U able to download the game on NX for free. I would say if you own a 3DS classic game that it should also be the case to get it free on NX, too, but I am sure a lot of these games have been separately built to run on each platform, and may result in two versions being on NX if copying straight over.

At the very least, use the emulation that exists on Wii U for NX to allow those classic games available now to run on it, and let users who own the Wii U version get the NX version free. We should not be starting from scratch all over again. Nintendo can set a precedent here. Maybe Nintendo will scrap retro game porting altogether, who knows. But if they are going to go ahead with it again, then it either needs to be the case above, or do what Sony is doing and updating each game they re-release with NX features, achievements, online play for multiplayer that was previously local only, etc. I would not buy Mario Tennis 64 again, but I would be inclined to if they added online play.

Guest 28.01.2016#2

Nintendo did allow you to transfer your old vc games to Wii U. The one thing they did wrong was having an update fee that varied. Does it cost them more to add miiverse and control options to an n64 title than an nes. No so the update price should be the same

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What this piece of news made me realise is that this is the first Square Enix release for the Wii U Virtual console outside of Japan... Maybe we'll get other titles like FF6 and the likes, already out in Japan, or maybe even more DS Square titles??

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Guest said:
Nintendo did allow you to transfer your old vc games to Wii U. The one thing they did wrong was having an update fee that varied. Does it cost them more to add miiverse and control options to an n64 title than an nes. No so the update price should be the same

I don't buy VC games and didn't buy a Wii U for a while after launch, so I'm not 100% clued up on its transfer situation.

Are you saying that every single VC game released on Wii was ready to be transferred to Wii U on the day of Wii U's launch? If so, that's great, but the charging for that is wrong. If not, then that's what we need with NX - all VC games available now readily available on NX on Day 1, and, of course, transferrable (including save data) to NX if you already own them.

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