Republique Heading to PS4 in Complete Form

By Adam Riley 21.02.2016

Republique Heading to PS4 in Complete Form on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

NIS America has confirmed that the episodic stealth-action game, République, will be arriving in Europe on 25th March 2016 on PlayStation 4 as both a physical and digital release. GungHo Online Entertainment America acts as the publisher in North America.

Now that République is on PS4, players can finally take full control of Hope, a young woman held captive inside Metamorphosis, a shadowy totalitarian state ruled by the omnipresent Overseer. By hacking into this secret nation's elaborate surveillance network, players and Hope begin a treacherous and thrilling journey to freedom.

Developed by Seattle-based Camouflaj, Cubed3 has so far reviewed the first four individual episodes and will have an overview review of the games on PC as a 'package' very soon, as well.

Although it was previously limited to PC and mobile, now PS4 players can look forward to experiencing the entire season - including the fifth and final episode, "Terminus" - in one complete package.

Hacking Gameplay - Players protect Hope and aid in her escape by gaining control of network-enabled devices and solving elaborate puzzle scenarios along the way. Players can hack into security cameras, wiretap calls, scramble enemy communications, and trap Hope's pursuers behind locked doors.

Engaging Story - République is more than a stealth-action game. By creating a gameplay system that drives the symbiotic relationship between Hope and the player, players become more engaged as Hope's protector. In addition to the main story, players help Hope collect "banned" books, cassette tapes, and other unique items that will further immerse them in this futuristic dystopian world.

Developer Pedigree - République was created by a team of industry veterans involved in the development of AAA games such as Metal Gear Solid, Halo, and S.O.C.O.M. Players are able to eavesdrop on the entire development of the game via a highly original "developer's commentary" option, featuring 100 conversations recorded throughout the game's three-year development.

Box art for Republique Episode 4: God's Acre
Also known as

République Episode 4: God's Acre




NIS America





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