INSiGHT: Holiday Gaming Shopping Guide 2020 Part Two

By Neil Flynn 11.12.2020

​The Holiday Season is upon us all! Looking for gaming based gifts can be hard, so let Cubed3 help you out and showcase the best gaming gifts to get any fan this Christmas season. If you have missed Part 1 of this Holiday Gaming Shopping Guide then make sure you check it out before deep diving into this article. Alternatively anyone searching for Xbox gifts should check out our dedicated gift guide for the Xbox Gift Guide

Garmin Instinct - Esports Edition

Level up your game with this wristwatch, which distinguishes the difference between a player a true champion! Cubed3's Adam Riley goes in depth with his video unboxing.

Purchase the Garmin Instinct - Esports Edition

Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass

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The Nintendo Switch has gone from strength to strength and no Nintendo console would be complete without a Pokémon title. Pokémon Sword and Shield released in 2019 to much excitement and this year the Expansion Passes; The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra expansion passes would be popular with any Pokémaniac! 

Purchase the Expansion Pass from GAME (remember the base game is required!)

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered

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Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered features the graphical enhancements of the world of Seacrest County, where the winding roads and exotic supercars offer an adrenaline-filled sense of speed. A deep single-player career delivers the action of both sides of the law, where supercharged cop interceptors with tactical weaponry can bust their suspects, and elite racers can level the playing field with counterattacks and defensive manoeuvres. Through a seamlessly linked multiplayer experience across all race modes, players can play their career solo or take on friends to earn Bounty and unlock new cars, weapons, and equipment.

Purchase Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered on EA's Website

Borderlands 3

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Award-winning, record-setting, genre-bending shooter-looter Borderlands 3 may be celebrating one full year of mayhem, but it's not slowing down any time soon!

After adding four expansive campaign add-ons and a host free bonus content over the course of its first year, this irreverent shooter is set to grow even bigger with the upcoming addition of the Designer's Cut DLC, which adds a massive new game mode as well as new gameplay options for all four player characters.

For those lucky gamers receiving the Xbox Series X / Series S or PlayStation 5 this holiday season, Borderlands 3 has been fully optimized for next-gen! Running at 60 frames per second and 4K resolution in single-player and online co-op, Borderlands 3's next-gen upgrade also adds four-player split-screen co-op - a first for the series. If you're stuck inside this holiday season, why not introduce your loved ones to a little couch co-op mayhem in the Borderlands?

There's truly never been a better time to join the mayhem!

Purchase Borderlands 3 on Xbox One from Smyths Toys
Purchase Borderlands 3 on PS4 from Smyths Toys


PGA Tour 2K21


Golf Got Game with the all-new 2K title, PGA TOUR 2K21, making waves in and beyond the golf community. 

PGA TOUR 2K21 brings players on their own PGA TOUR journey. Create your MyPLAYER -- outfitted with equipment from top brands such as Adidas, Polo Ralph Lauren and Under Armour -- build your legacy in Career Mode to win the FedEx Cup, compete with friends online via Societies and more.



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Ikenfell is a heartwarming turn-based RPG about a school of magic and its troublesome students. Use timing mechanics to power your spells and block attacks, explore the twisted halls of a vast magic school, fight challenging monsters and bosses, and uncover dark secrets never meant to be found. 

Ikenfell is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Popup Dungeon

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Popup Dungeon is a roguelike dungeon crawler that lets players curate their own specific gaming experience by giving them the ability to create any weapon, enemy, or character they can imagine, as they work to complete the Wizard's challenge. Boasting more than 50 hours of gameplay, Popup Dungeon is the best of video and board game mechanics, mixing enchanted tabletop gaming with tactical, turn-based RPG gameplay.

Popup Dungeon is available on PC

Game& Watch: Super Mario Bros

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The Super Mario Bros. Game & Watch is a retro collector's gem and it is only available for a short period of time!  Perfect for any Nintendo fan and retro game collector, the handheld is truly a one of a kind. Super Mario Bros. Game & Watch should truly take a special position on the shelf for the avid retro enthusiast.

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