Revolution News | Rare Games To Become Even Rarer?

By Karn Spydar Lee Bianco 27.03.2006 10

Some unfortunate news has been circulating the net recently concerning Rare's support (or rather lack there of) for the Revolution's Virtual Console. After the recent GDC conference a spokesman working for Microsoft and Rare confirmed that no Rare-owned licenses will be making an appearance on Nintendo's Revolution system. This is likely to include stellar titles such as Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, the Banjo titles and Conker's Bad Fur Day too name but a few.

Despite this, certain titles published by Nintendo such as the popular expansion pack wielding Donkey Kong 64 and wacky fun racer Diddy Kong racing amongst others could still be made available. Whilst not the most shocking of news revelations considering Rare's current affiliations the news will still come as a sore blow to many Nintendo fans looking to get in some classic N64 gaming.

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Seems like such a kick in the nuts, even though we all anticipated this.
Meh, Diddy Kong Racing online multiplayer anyone? Smilie

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Have Goldeneye on N64 so i dont need for the REV!! mwuahahha!!!
Anyway you guys didnt really think that it was gonna happen!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Rare sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted Rare games on the revolution.

I could understand not getting Perfect Dark and perhaps Conker, but I hope we get the Banjo titles and Goldeneye...

NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I thought I may FINALLY get to play Perfect Dark & Banjo Tooie! What a poo!!

Ahh well, I still may be able to get my sweaty monky hand on Diddy Kong Racing & Donkey Kong 64...

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Buy a cheap N64 and perfect dark...

Gods in His Heaven. Alls right in the World.

These games will probably make a purley co-incidental appearence on Xbox Live sooner or later.

Yup FJD on their Live Arcade thingy no bet. Im not really that gutted because i have them all on my N64. Ive had Diddy Kong Racing and ive had all the joy out of that. Sold it. Never much a fan of Jet Force Jemini so i sold that. Never really liked Blast Corps so i sold that. But still own Goldeneye,2 copies of Perfect Dark (purchased a copy on Saturday for

Banjo Kazooie Smilie

Ahh well, Megadrive games ALMOST makes up for it!

Watch Microsoft make these available on XBOX Live for the 360! Guess there needs to be at least one or two reasons to buy one Smilie

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