Nintendo News | Final Fantasy V Advance Updates

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.08.2006 5

Quick News: Final Fantasy V is set to have some great improvement, according to neoGAF. In the recent edition of US magazine, Nintendo Power, the magazine states that some of the improvements are subtle

Box art for Final Fantasy V Advance

Square Enix




Turn Based RPG



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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (4 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Now that I would be interested in. Smilie

God bless those at Square.


Good stuff from Square, sure looking to be an awesome year for portable RPGs! Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

No better way than to make hours disappear very quickly. I remember happily losing 200 hours of my life on the first run through of Final Fantasy VII. I did everything possible in it (I think). Smilie


crazylurch said:
No better way than to make hours disappear very quickly. I remember happily losing 200 hours of my life on the first run through of Final Fantasy VII. I did everything possible in it (I think). Smilie

Final Fantasy III is rumoured to be just as equally big!

I sure hope they DO release FFV & VI before the GBA is completely dead... they'll prolly be selling online only & really rare... so Smilie

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