Nintendo News | Pollen Sonata (Wii) Interview

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.06.2007 8

The Danish team behind the recent Wii video concept, Pollen Sonata, have spoken on the upcoming game including how the idea came about, dedication towards the Wii and some interesting play mechanics.

An excerpt from the English interview: The gameplay of Pollen Sonata in material seen so far gives a very extraordinary impression. Could you give us some more details about the processes in the game?

Lena Marguc: I can tell you, that the game is split in several fragments

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I think this game was featured in IGF this year, I recall it winning an award alongside Aquaria. If it is what I believe it to be, then this looks like it could be a great game on Wii. LS

( Edited on 15.06.2007 17:11 by Linkyshinks )

Wow, I LOVE that style. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Great to see so many smaller devs keen to jump on Wii!

( Edited on 15.06.2007 23:24 by jesusraz )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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The game looks beautiful, the art sytle is charming and looks like a chinese brush painting. I hope Aquaria follows and is brought to Wii also.

Off the track a little-
I hope in Pikmin Wii that you can float around on seeds like that vid shows. It would be cool if Pikmin grabbed onto seeds and used them as coptors to scale heights Smilie. LS

( Edited on 16.06.2007 17:39 by Linkyshinks )

Personally I quite like he idea and I'm all for weird indy games, but I just think it looks awful... It doesn't really look like you do anything, and any goals you try and meet are just going to feel weird because... Well... You're a seed... I think maybe it should just stay as a bit of an experiment

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Well it's still very early in development, once the frame rate and textures are put on it as they like, it will look better i'm sure. The demo they showed at GDC was beautiful and polished in comparison. LS

I didn't mean graphically I just meant the whole gameplay premise seems terrible

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

You mean flower sex, it's always turned me on, sometimes I bypass the garden shed for the green house.

I suppose the gameplay mechanic is obscure, but then all these game that win awards are essentially deemed fun by the voters. LS

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