Nintendo DS News | Sega & Bioware Reveal Sonic RPG

By Adam Riley 21.06.2007 50

News has just this minute hit about a brand new joint-venture between popular Western developer Bioware and Japanese company Sega, with the two working on a Sonic RPG for DS! Below is the full Press Release:

SEGA Europe, Ltd., SEGA of America, Inc. and Canada-based developer studio BioWare Corp. today announced a partnership to create a new video game based on the classic SEGA flagship icon, Sonic The Hedgehog. The exact name of the game is undetermined, but this new title developed exclusively for the Nintendo DS will ship in 2008.

"BioWare is one of the hottest names in RPG development in the world. Everyone at SEGA has huge confidence that Sonic is in the safest of hands, and that BioWare can create the ultimate handheld RPG experience for gamers of all ages."
- Simon Jeffery, President and COO, SEGA of America, Inc.

BioWare is the award-winning independent developer that has created some of the world's best-selling titles including the Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights series, the 2003 Game of the Year, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and the 2005 RPG of the Year, Jade Empire. BioWare is currently developing one of the most anticipated next-generation titles of 2007, Mass Effect.

"We're thrilled to be working with SEGA on Sonic, one of the industry's most enduring and compelling icons."
- Greg Zeschuk, president of BioWare.

"As huge fans of Sonic ourselves, we're committed to delivering a truly amazing story-driven experience within the Sonic universe, focusing on capturing the character's broad appeal and placing him in a completely original adventure."
- Ray Muzyka, chief executive officer of BioWare.

The relationship with BioWare reinforces SEGA's increased emphasis on Western content development for Western audiences. In the past few years SEGA has announced partnerships with developers Bizarre Creations, Gas Powered Games, Monolith Productions, Obsidian Entertainment, Planet Moon Studios, Pseudo Interactive and Silicon Knights. SEGA has also acquired development studios The Creative Assembly, Secret Level and Sports Interactive.

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Would this have been postet on April 1st...

It sounds so untrue, but maybe... Would be cool, though...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

A Sonic RPG was "announced" a few years ago, it turned out to be 100% fake.

I'm not sure about this in any case.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

yeah its official. bioware and sega are in bed for a new sonic role playing game for the nintendo DS.

release: 2008

Smilie!! Oh gawd that's the funniest post I've ever read... Seriously I'm dying here ;-;

Also, unless the clock on NeoGAF is wrong, it's 50 minutes after whatever he was waiting for was supposed to happen so... Yeah... Smilie

EDIT: ...


When they say RPG do they mean a proper RPG or a weird Western RPG which is more like an RTS with leveling up? I can't see Sonic working as a Western RPG... And I've always disliked that style of RPG anyway. Unless it's like Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance, but again I don't see how it would work...

Finally, once again... O_O

( Edited on 21.06.2007 16:36 by Megadanxzero )

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

This is BONKERS. That is all.

I had to go and find the press release before I believed it.

( Edited on 21.06.2007 17:04 by Grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I wonder when Nintendo and Microsoft are gonna announce their partnership for the 2D Halo platformer

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
I wonder when Nintendo and Microsoft are gonna announce their partnership for the 2D Halo platformer
Why do I get the feeling that would suck? Smilie

If there is the chance of a Halo DS, it had better be an FPS... or else.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

You know that was actually a joke, but I get the feeling it's going to happen after reading this again...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Grumbler said:
This is BONKERS. That is all.I had to go and find the press release before I believed it.( Edited on 21.06.2007 17:04 by Grumbler )

I didn't even trust the press release until I saw it on the official BioWare website, crazy stuff.

Still, I am very excited to see if they can pull it off. I love Sonic as a franchise, and I love BioWare as a developer.

I'll be watching with interest, even if I am the only one. Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

:O holy crap! At least it's in very good hands, should be interesting to see how they pull this off.Smilie

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

lol sonic game and good storys dont really see that XD i hope they can pull it off

Sonic RPG... WTF... o_0
Star Wars: KotoR was pretty fucking good, but i doubt it will be like that... or Baulders

Are you sure this is real not just made up?

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Jump_button said:
lol sonic game and good storys dont really see that XD i hope they can pull it off

Well actually, as a former-reader of the Sonic Comic many years ago, I can tell you that Sonic has a pretty neat little storyline. Easily on par with that of the Mario games. And if Mario's storyline could be deemed deep enough for several RPGs...

Oni-Ninja said:
Jump_button said:lol sonic game and good storys dont really see that XD i hope they can pull it off
Well actually, as a former-reader of the Sonic Comic many years ago, I can tell you that Sonic has a pretty neat little storyline. Easily on par with that of the Mario games. And if Marios storyline could be deemed deep enough for several RPGs...

Exactly, I loved the storylines developed in the comics (the brotherhood of Metallix, Kintobor's back story,) - it would be frigging fantastic if they used that stuff for this, but they won't..

I also really liked the Echidna clan storyline in Adventure, the history of the emeralds, etc.

Remember the Hidden Palace Zone? That was a brilliant level thanks to the mystery-vibe, music, Knuckles/Emerald 'story', I would love to see that sort of stuff revisited.

There are so many things they could do story-wise, I just hope they make the most of the opportunity and don't create some lacklustre spin-off, ala Secret Rings. Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Like the Mario RPGs, it'll be nice if they add a bit of humour in too. Hopefully the kind that doesn't take itself too seriously, like in the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon.

I definitely wouldn't want to see a serious or dark Sonic RPG. Smilie

How I am torn between my love of Sonic games and dislike of RPGs. This will require research. Maybe it'll be an RPG more like SEGA splash golf (keeping the standard playstyle of the basis theme but allowing you to level up) rather than a Final Fantasy RPG (being based 75% on strategy and tedious practice).

Still waiting for the Sonic MMORPG that was supposed to happen...

If it's anything like Super Mario RPG then count me in.

Bioware is my favourite company and probably the best in the world.

Sonic, is an age old classic that has been one of the most "raped" (best word for the situation) series ever, the memory killed then skinned alive.

Bioware, this was a mistake.

Wo33eR ::: Wo33eR.CoM Website :: Cubed-3 :: [ General Writer :: Reveiwer ]

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It's bizarre, and true. [LS]

Quite a surprise. Like Spydarlee said, if they use some comic book storylines it could be really good.

But the chances are, they'll create a brand new character called... "Haze" and base it around him and his special power. Smilie

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

Bioware making a Sonic RPG, I very much doubt it!

Oh my god... I can't believe it... but now I do! Smilie

So it must be true then! Smilie Otherwise just a really later April 1st joke... I mean, it's not being made by Sonic Team... So it's bound to be really weird... but it could be great. I'm glad that SEGA are allowing Sonic to take a go at new things, & an RPG is something that for RPG fans, hard to go wrong... SO I hope Bioware do OK with it. I can't imagine what it'll be about, but I'm more excited for this than any other Sonic game at the moment... I have to say.

I can't wait for more details. I hope it's a JRPG. I don't like WRPGs. Also thank god it's on DS... I was a bit worried that it would be on PSP or PS3.

I guess Sonic does love us :3

Does anyone know any other stuff Bioware has made?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Oooo, Paper Sonic!!Smilie

( Edited on 22.06.2007 10:42 by Darkspine Sonic )

Damn, I just did a little research on Bioware... I didn't know much about them, but it seems that all they make are WRPGs.

LAME. This won't suit Sonic D:

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

First, Ripoff: I would say the other way round: It's bound to be good because Team Sonic isn't responsible for the game.
Second: Bioware is the best company when it comes to grown up RPGs. These western RPGs are not like RTS, but like Pen and Paper-RPGs. You'd better pick some up and play. Like World Of Darkness, Shadowrun or even D&D. There are almost no western RPGs on consoles, would be okay if Bioware was to pull one of (off?). But I guess they would stick to something like Jade Empire.

They did
Baldur's Gate 1 and 2,
Icewind Dale 1 and 2 (i think),
Neverwinter Nights
Jade Empire...

These are my all time favourites. No stupid hack'n'slay but experiencing a deep adventure-like plot mastering battle and talents like thieving and ranger's abilities on the way. I know, 'Sonic' and 'deep story' are antagonists by themselves, but - as someone here said - so is Mario and deep story. And they even pulled one of in Super Paper Mario with Peach being kidnapped. So Sonic and Bioware can do it too. Actually I'm very excited about Bioware charting new waters with there western-RPG-approach.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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