E3 2007 News | Archaic Sealed Heat (Nintendo DS) RPG Details

By Adam Riley 15.07.2007 14

Mistwalker, headed up by the father of Final Fantasy Hironobu Sakaguchi, has been working on the DS exclusive SRPG A.S.H for longer than most people would like, but it is all coming together very nicely now and firm details have been released via Famitsu in an interview with Sakaguchi-san himself. Below is a quick translation of the key points, thanks to duckroll of NeoGAF:

  • There are plenty of pre-rendered movies, sprites, plus voice work to help make the experience more realistic and serious than other DS RPGs;
  • The theme and tone are very different from Mistwalker's Blue Dragon on Xbox 360;
  • A.S.H includes a mixture of both traditional RPG commands, as well as Simulation RPG style maps where you can plan out your strategy in a similar vein to Fire Emblem and Advance Wars. You form teams of up to three characters with a leader at the head of the group, with said group represented as a single unit on the map. As the game progresses you can have up to five teams in total;
  • When it comes to engaging enemies on the battlefield, rather than jumping into a one-on-on automatic battle as in Fire Emblem, the scene changes to a normal RPG fighting scene where the whole team of three faces the enemies in a menu driven approach;
  • Being an SRPG, everything is governed by Action Points and these are shared between an entire team, not individual characters;
  • There are two types of characters - main characters and ash warriors. Only main characters who are actual living beings and story characters can be team leaders;
  • Ash warriors are considered as troops in your army that can level up and gain skills. When you are satisfied with their development you can then absorb them into a main character to transfer the powers. Absorbed ash warriors are then lost forever;
  • This will be the first ever 2 Gigabit DS ROM. There have been plenty of 1Gb games, but this time much more space has been required to fit all the extras in;
  • Field skills will be present in the game, with you able to use them on the battlefield itself, as well as support magic that allows one team to boost the stats of another team, and so on;
  • It appears that Mistwalker is working on this game alone, unlike the 360 games that have used the likes of Artoon and Cavia. Sakaguchi-san actually states he's the Executive Producer, overseeing the entire project. Kensuke Tanaka (Marketing Producer for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Blue Dragon) is the Producer of the game. For the main scenario they both sat down and discussed it, but it is mainly Sakaguchi's idea and story.

With the game definitely still set for a 2007 release in Japan, it is safe to say the media deluge will only ramp up in the coming months. Stick with Cubed3 for all the coverage you need!

Box art for ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat





Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Sounds pretty interesting! Looking forward to it, especially since it seems to be combining some strategy elements. :-D

( Edited 08.07.2013 23:01 by Guest )

i really cant wait for this game i love all RPGs cant wait to see it XD the story best be good but know them i think it will

( Edited 05.05.2013 21:35 by Guest )


This game keeps sounding better and better.

( Edited 04.05.2013 21:38 by Guest )

2Gigabit = 256MB cartridges.

( Edited 17.12.2012 07:08 by Guest )

YAY! I'v been waiting for news on this game for years =]

I Rule.

Yeah, it's confusing when people say "ooh, one gb" thinking it's Gigabyte not Gigabit.

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

I knew it was Gigabit.Smilie I can read you know.Smilie

2Gb!? Damn, that's awesome, this game is gonna be huge. I can't wait to hear more, finally more details are emerging!

( Edited on 16.07.2007 12:58 by SuperLink )

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a small "b" means bit
a capital "B" means byte.
Theres 8 bits to a byte.

Tiny difference in looks, but huge difference in size....still 2Gb is like 8 times the size of the ocarina of time cartridge? Awesome! ...Not sure i'm keep on another turn based RPG though.(is it turn based?)

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Actually, Ocarina of Time was also the first game for the N64 that used 256MB- or 2Gb. Which was why it was considered the largest cartridge game at that time.

I don't post much, but I will appreciate any feedback on the posts I do make. Feel free to PM

This will be the first ever 2 Gigabit DS ROM. There have been plenty of 1Gb games, but this time much more space has been required to fit all the extras in;

That's very good and all but...that means SLOWER reading speeds. I really hope this doesn't mean loading.

Actually, Ocarina of Time was also the first game for the N64 that used 256MB- or 2Gb. Which was why it was considered the largest cartridge game at that time.

Actually, Ocarina of Time only had 32 MByte, not 256. But close enough.

I feared that with ASH having so much cutscenes it would only span short gameplay and mechanics. But thankful that not seems to be the case.

I like this battle system, it sounds great. In past times, there was this RPG 'The Dark Eye', being part 1 of 3 named 'Schicksalsklinge' (roughly 'Blade of Destiny') where you had 10 action points per character to move and battle. I think having action points for the entire party is a great and strategic way to plan your moves. I personally am poor at strategicals like Fire Emblem, but this one looks lik I can handle this system here... I surely am very positive about this game and want to pick it up when it emerges here in Europe...!

Looks like Mistwalker had put in a great deal of work. You see here, that you can bring a DS game into fruition alone, without the help of outside studios. So better maintaining the quality you want to give to the game. I think you have smaller budgets per gaming minute for DS developing resulting in richer and bigger games - at least it seems to be the case here...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

256MB cart does prove to those people that the DS games can go over their initial capacity. (128MB).

Flash memory is cheap.
I have been saying it awhile, but given another year, 512MB games will be common.
Another year, and we will probably have games that really are 2GB.(2048MB)

Flash memory is crashing in price.

Sony's backing of disc format over flash was very short term thinking.

Nintendo backed the long term winner.
Solid State ownz.
More reliable. Much faster. Hardly any battary use. Save capacity built in.

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"That's very good and all but...that means SLOWER reading speeds."

No it dosnt.
flash based devices can go to any memory address in about the same time.

It dosnt have a seek-time that increases with capacity like discs too.

The DS, incidently, should never have long loading anyway, its only got 4MB of Ram...it hasnt got much to load stuff into :p

"Actually, Ocarina of Time only had 32 MByte, not 256. But close enough. "

Indeed. Gameplay dosnt take much space.
M64 is just 8MB.

The only really big N64 cart was Resident Evil2. Which I think was 256MB.

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