latest EGM rumours from the US state that a Bionic Commando remake is being worked on; Level 5 has four RPGs ready to show off at TGS in September and the DS will be included as part of the line-up; Square Enix wants to do Dragon Quest remakes, starting with DQIV for DS, which will be revealed soon! Share your thoughts inside..." /> News: Nintendo Rumours | Dragon Quest IV DS & Bionic Commando Remakes, Level 5 DS RPG? Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo Rumours | Dragon Quest IV DS & Bionic Commando Remakes, Level 5 DS RPG?

By Adam Riley 28.07.2007 7

Quick News - The latest EGM rumours from the US state that a Bionic Commando remake is being worked on; Level 5 has four RPGs ready to show off at TGS in September and the DS will be included as part of the line-up; Square Enix wants to do Dragon Quest remakes, starting with DQIV for DS, which will be revealed soon!

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Yay, more RPG goodness.

I wonder if Level 5 actually owns the rights to the Dark Cloud RPGs or if Sony 'owns' the name...Same goes for Jeanne D'Arc on PSP. But hey, even if it's something original from them on DS it would be great after the fantastic work it did with Professor Layton.

And as for DQIV on DS - as long as they update the menu approach to match that of DQVIII's style I'll be the 'old school' approach DQ games take it what put me off slightly.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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OH SNAP!!! Bionic Commando Remake... I want

Oh I cannot wait for the Tokyo Game Show!!

jesusraz said:
I wonder if Level 5 actually owns the rights to the Dark Cloud RPGs or if Sony owns the name...Same goes for Jeanne DArc on PSP. But hey, even if its something original from them on DS it would be great after the fantastic work it did with Professor Layton.And as for DQIV on DS - as long as they update the menu approach to match that of DQVIIIs style Ill be the old school approach DQ games take it what put me off slightly.

Agree, new touch screen menus that are easier to use are a must, as well as polishing the game up here and there. Cannot wait to get all the revised FF and DQ games on DS, {LS]

( Edited on 30.07.2007 10:37 by Linkyshinks )

Revised DQ would be great, as I haven't played a single one yet. Smilie Though I hope to grab myself a PS2 and play DQVIII.

I have read many JRPG fans love the Dark Cloud series, I guess it would be great if that series in some form came onto a Nintendo platform.

I missed the first bit - Bionic Commando remake? Sign me up! They could do a first person/third person over the shoulder Wii version with the hook controlled with the pointer as I suggested in an article in C3's Retro Month...

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