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Nintendo DS Media | New Final Fantasy IV 3D Remake Scans

By Adam Riley 22.08.2007 9

Quick News - With Final Fantasy overload already occurring in Japan this year, Square Enix is readying the 3D remake of Final Fantasy IV for the DS in time for Winter 2007 and new great scans can be seen below:

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    Box art for Final Fantasy IV



    Square Enix


    Turn Based RPG



    C3 Score

    Rated $score out of 10  9/10

    Reader Score

    Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (3 Votes)

    European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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    Looking lovely.Smilie

    Contender for DS game 2008 this is.

    Looks great - developers are getting better and better at making things look purty on the DS. Smilie

    Jacob4000 said:
    Looks great - developers are getting better and better at making things look purty on the DS. Smilie

    Me hopes the same will happen with Wii. Smilie

    Final Fantasy V and VI have got to get the 3D treatment also.Smilie

    Wow. The DS is starting to show what it's made of (with the help of Square Enix). This looks fantastic.

    here come the red wing army lol

    It looks well sweet!, I could go on but it would get dull. I love SE, they are churning out quality on the DS.{LS]

    Wasn't FF4 released for the GBA just a year or so ago? Smilie

    NintendoArielle said:
    Wasnt FF4 released for the GBA just a year or so ago? Smilie

    T'was. Why I'm not so happy that they're remaking it. How many versions does one need in such a short space of time?

    Jesus that looks amazing.

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