Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Ice Climbers Rejoin the Brawl

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.09.2007 29

The final update this week on the Official Smash Bros. Dojo website reveals another returning character, or two for that matter, as the Ice Climbers make their way to the fighting stage once more.

The one in blue is Popo. The one in pink is Nana. And the two of them get along great! ...I think.

These two move as a pair, with Nana automatically following along. There's safety in numbers

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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I think I'm gonna cry now.

Seriously, I loathed Ice Climbers in Melee, I really hoped they didn't make the cut for Brawl

( Edited on 14.09.2007 09:28 by MeleeKirby )

They might be much improved for this game, it's likely I reckon.

FUCKING YES!!!! SmilieSmilieSmilie This is by far the BEST update since the website was released, I was SO WORRIED these guys wouldn't make the cut, & they're such fun original characters.

Welcome back guys Smilie I was worried! Smilie

EDIT: They don't need to be improved THAT much, they were the seventh best character in the game, & the second best Smash Bros player in America uses them.

( Edited on 14.09.2007 09:42 by SuperLink )

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Great to see them back!

Very glad to see them return. after link and Roy, they are my most played character(s) in Melee.

Also the models are a great improvement,
all i need now is the return Roy too.

( Edited on 14.09.2007 11:01 by Shagster )

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Never really used the Ice Climbers, but it's nice to see many Melee characters returning. I can't see Roy and Marth being in Brawl, mainly because there's Ike instead. I personally hope Doctor Mario is back...

I wonder why they haven't revealed Luigi yet...or Captain Falcon. Or Ness. They're likely to be in it...

SuperLink said:
FUCKING YES!!!! SmilieSmilieSmilie This is by far the BEST update since the website was released, I was SO WORRIED these guys wouldnt make the cut, & theyre such fun original characters.Welcome back guys Smilie I was worried! SmilieEDIT: They dont need to be improved THAT much, they were the seventh best character in the game, & the second best Smash Bros player in America uses them.( Edited on 14.09.2007 09:42 by SuperLink )

feel your happiness SP The Ice climbers are to original to leave behind imo so is G&W also, but Im glad to see them return. There is no best in melee how many times do I have to tell people this it resides on the players skill not character. So they might be your seventh best but their my 5th and my friend's 1st he's very scary with those twoSmilie So not seeing them in brawl would make me and him very upset.

Celebi3000 said:
Never really used the Ice Climbers, but its nice to see many Melee characters returning. I cant see Roy and Marth being in Brawl, mainly because theres Ike instead. I personally hope Doctor Mario is back...I wonder why they havent revealed Luigi yet...or Captain Falcon. Or Ness. Theyre likely to be in it...

Im more worried about Ness than any one else because thats my Number one character in ssb.

Hooray! Thought they'd gone for Brawl but glad to see them back, always liked 'em!

Considering this was one character (characters?) the people expected to be cut, this is good news. This renews my hope that Game and Watch and MewToo will be in this game.

I can see G&W returning, dunno about Mewtwo.I just hope to god that Pichu is cut...

Well, no, Ice Climbers are actually 7th best. The player's skills makes a big difference of course, but the best players in the world test out each & every character in a very thourough series of tests & they eventually came up with this:

The Tier List

It's been ever changing ever since Smash Bros was released, & that's the most up to date version.

EDIT: & yeah, this makes Mr G&W far more likely to return, I'm so unbelievably releived that rumour has been "debunked". Young Link still has hope.

As for Ness, C.Falcon & Luigi, well Ness & C.Falcon are basically confirmed, because of their items, but they may have been made secret characters again, like they were before. Luigi of course is a secret character, so he won't be put on the site.

( Edited on 14.09.2007 13:40 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I don't know if I will still trust that Tier list since there are really good players who haven't had a chance to test their skills in a tournementSmilie

The Tier list is trustworthy, the good players who havn't had chance to play in the tournament should know that the tournament players are in a league of their own.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Awesome! For the naysayers, Ice Climbers look stupid till you try them. They are so fun and different to use, more variety in this game. I was scared they would be cut.

( Edited on 14.09.2007 14:56 by Z )

Pretty cool! I never used them, but there would have been a lot of disappointed people if they did not make the cut.

Nice fucking fur affect!

I wish they'd used that furry affect you can see on their goods and cuffs to do DK's fur.

HUGE graphical improvment, looks very nice. I diddn't really care if they came back or not,sicne I never really used them, but they look very nice. I hope G&W dsosn't return I hated the jerky way he moved.

Despite the cost of living, its quite popular.

HUGE graphical improvment, looks very nice. I diddnt really care if they came back or not,sicne I never really used them, but they look very nice. I hope G&W dsosnt return I hated the jerky way he moved.
I loved G&W you could beat people with a turtle and "I like turtles"Smilie

Well, if they made it, it looks likely that only very few characters are going to be cut(probably just Marth and Roy:tongueSmilie And they are looking better than ever, well, their coats at least.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

Ice Climbers? They were original but didn't stop me from hating them, still better than Metaknight though. I suppose their inclusion hints towards characters like G&W making a return which could be considered a good thing.

Marth, Roy and Pichu are the only ones who should be 100% cut from the roster.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
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Hooray! I loved the Ice Climbers. I found from experience that people that dislike them just got whupped by IC continuously and/or couldn't use them well themselves.

If you don't like them don't use them Smilie (seems pretty simple to me). Anyway this was a pleasant surprise!

shiptoncraig: What do you have against Metaknight?! lol

Hobbes: The Ice Climbers have fuzzy coats, but DK is furry. His hairs are supposed to be longer, so they had to take a bit of a different approach. They did a good job though, but the longer fur is definitely harder to do, which is why they chose to simplify it.

( Edited on 15.09.2007 01:49 by trgdr777 )

Yeah what's wrong with Meta-knight? He looks really interesting to use.

Marth and Roy are the SHIT!!!!!
Burn in hell Ice climbers and G&W!!!!

NightmareItachi said:
Marth and Roy are the SHIT!!!!!Burn in hell Ice climbers and G&W!!!!
You smell.

& what's wrong with Mr G&W? He's only like, the first Nintendo character ever made. I reckon he worked really well.

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