has revealed it is already working on a follow-up to Codemasters' Race Drive: Create and Race for DS in 2008. The group also has two other undisclosed projects underway. Stay tuned for further updates..." /> News: Nintendo DS News | Race Driver Sequel Coming to DS in 2008 Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo DS News | Race Driver Sequel Coming to DS in 2008

By Adam Riley 19.09.2007 2

Quick News - Scottish developer 'Firebrand Games' has revealed it is already working on a follow-up to Codemasters' Race Drive: Create and Race for DS in 2008. The group also has two other undisclosed projects underway.

Stay tuned for further updates...

Box art for Race Driver: Create & Race








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It should be noted that since this story ran, Firebrand has removed the news from its site and changed it to 'three undisclosed projects' instead of two Smilie

Seems someone told them to change it! Hopefully we'll have an interview completed with the team soon enough anyway Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

The first game does look pretty good with it's track editing options. To be honest despite being very keen on racin games I would never get a serious attempt at a racing game on DS when there is so much elsewhere that seems better. I think developers should stay away from it in this mould and stick to Mario Kart type games etc.

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