Nintendo Wii Media | New Super Mario Galaxy Screens & Clips

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.10.2007 21

Some fresh screens of Mario's voyage to outer-space have landed on the Official Japanese website for Super Mario Galaxy, revealing the porky plumber doing his usual platform leaping thang in style.

A few clips illustrating some of the power-ups available:

Update: New trailer!

Be sure to look through the Super Mario Galaxy screens album for more tasty shots! Thanks to the folks over at NeoGAF for the tip.

Box art for Super Mario Galaxy





3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (133 Votes)

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Looking as pretty as ever.

Definitely - looks awesome, especially in motion. Definitely a visual step up from Sunshine! Can't wait to play this; there seems to be a load of sweet puzzles and sequences to play through! Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yep. It's looking amazing. November 16th can't come soon enough!

Lovely *drools*, definitely my biggest want on the Wii by far. I like that Ice Mario mechanic, that's new to me.

Smilie games like this is why i have a wii ^^

1 day after my birthday! w00t!

The graphics in this game outshine any Wii game in development (or out) by such a large margin that its not funny.

OMG that looks fucking awsome... a few hundred hours of my life will be spent on this game!! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Where can I find a keyboard mop for all this drool?

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

Linkyshinks [LS] said:
Lovely *drools*, definitely my biggest want on the Wii by far. I like that Ice Mario mechanic, thats new to me.

New mechanic? It doesn't actually do anything from that video. You're still just running around and jumping, that isn't a new mechanic. Anyway, *drools with everyone else*.

美しい^_^Can't wait for this game XD

knighty said:
Linkyshinks [LS] said:Lovely *drools*, definitely my biggest want on the Wii by far. I like that Ice Mario mechanic, thats new to me.
New mechanic? It doesnt actually do anything from that video. Youre still just running around and jumping, that isnt a new mechanic. Anyway, *drools with everyone else*.


Mario will live on forever man..he is the greatest gameing series ever man

Nakushin said:
Mario will live on forever man..he is the greatest gameing series ever man

Your sig is awesome! Smilie

It is Smilie.

Awesome, but ridiculously huge. Sort it out. As for the game, I've been saying for years that this is what the Wii is for. Not the pants games it's been getting since launch. Galaxy is going to kick arse. Finally a Wii game which should actually be revolutionary! Smilie

This one and Metroid Prime 3... *hehe*

Oh, wow! Mario would be quite dead, if levels were boring and no new elements would be carefully implemented. And they update graphics quite a lot for this game, showing, that good graphics never hurt.

I would give Miyamoto all my stars but he has no account here... I sigh for this game.
*sigh* <-- you see?

But I do not drool. That's disgusting. *staying brave*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

To quote your sig. I find your lack of faith disturbing! Smilie

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

Soundworks said:
To quote your sig. I find your lack of faith disturbing! Smilie

*bows head* you are right... *embarassed* Smilie

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

irfman said:
1 day after my birthday! w00t!

If you pre-order it through a mail-order service like, you'll probably get it on your birthday.

Come on people, it's nearly time, so do the smart thing & Media Blackout *is drooling anyway & using teh RPing asterisks lol*

I've pre-ordered my copy Smilie gonna go down on thge day & buy it before college starts... who knows, I may even get to play it a little! Smilie *dies*

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