Nintendo News | Dementium Creators Working on DS Again

By Adam Riley 01.11.2007 6

Quick News - Following the release of DS horror shooter Dementium: The Ward in the US yesterday (not due in Europe until early 2008), developer Renegade Kid has revealed it is working with publisher Mastiff on a new DS game with "high-quality 3D visuals, intuitive controls, real-time lighting, and dynamic audio".

Stick around for further updates on 'Project M'...

Box art for Dementium: The Ward

Renegade Kid







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Although I'd rather they applied their talents to a Wii game, another DS title is fine with me.Smilie

From what I've been playing of Dementium, it's not bad, I do wish they would make something for the Wii too, but oh well.

Has the game scored well in U.S reviews I wonder?. I agree with Dspine I would much prefer a Wii game, of Dementium W sort even. But if it's DS for now so be it.

( Edited on 01.11.2007 14:31 by Linkyshinks )

Actually I don't think anyone's reviewed it.

Except IGN.

JustJoe said:
Actually I dont think anyones reviewed it.

And you bought it on the back of what you have seen alone, brave. I have to admit it's a great looking game for the DS but I myself would not have done that.

Thanks Dspine will take a look once there.

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