Nintendo DS News | Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings Euro Date Confirmed

By Adam Riley 05.12.2007 12

Square Enix Ltd., has finished its flurry of announcements for the moment by confirming that following the half million sales accrued in Japan and successful launch in the US, the eagerly awaited FINAL FANTASY XII: REVENANT WINGS will be released on 15th February 2008, exclusively on Nintendo DS.

Set one year after the events of the best-selling FINAL FANTASY XII, REVENANT WINGS answers all your questions about what happens next to your heroes Vaan, Penelo, Fran and Balthier. Return to the land of Ivalice, meet new characters, visit unexplored locations and embark upon a breathtaking new adventure. The game sees the evolution of the innovative Gambit system that allows automated commands to be issued during real-time combat. Smart Touch Screen controls provide complete power over your actions and allow you to play solely using the Nintendo DS stylus.

"I am delighted that we are providing fans with another opportunity to enjoy the beautiful world of Ivalice. With the same high-production values including movies and music, FINAL FANTASY XII: REVENANT WINGS is a stunning sequel that expands upon the original game and that makes full use of the Nintendo DS hardware."
- John Yamamoto, president and chief executive officer of Square Enix Ltd.

Now we just need Square Enix to confirm the final date for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates, as well as announce European versions of Front Mission, Itadaki Street DS, Final Fantasy Tactics A2, Dragon Quest IV and even the charming puzzle game 'Yosumin'! Not asking for much, are we?! Oh yeah, bringing Treasure Hunter G over to the European Virtual Console would not hurt either, if you are reading, Square Enix!

Anyway, as with the previous two updates today, here are more details on really fantastic Revenant Wings (hands-on preview coming very soon):

The game is set in an age when Magick was commonplace and airships plied the skies. "Purvama, the floating lands. In the border-skies they wait. Untrodden, unknown." So the legend went. And the children who heard it turned their eyes to the skies, and dreamed. The Cache of Glabados is the key, throwing wide the doors of fading memory. There, above, an all but forgotten land

Box art for Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

Think & Feel


Square Enix





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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (19 Votes)

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Wows o.0;! So Square are gonna be releasing games in EU quicker than I thought they would... well I'll probably be getting this then Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

S-E's really picking up speed in Europe, that's for sure. Very pleasing indeed!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Yes, that's right. A definite upturn for S-E.
I hope they let us chose which lagnuage we want to play in. I don't want German. German sounds ewww in RPGs.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I'm sure it will be the usual start-up screen where you pick the chosen language.

And FFXII: RW is definitely very impressive. I've been playing my US copy for quite a while now and loving it to bits! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Do you need to play the original ff12 on the ps2 in order to understand this game because I haven't got around to playing it and I don't think I ever will.

L said:
Do you need to play the original ff12 on the ps2 in order to understand this game because I havent got around to playing it and I dont think I ever will.
Same here, though I'll prolly get it along with a PS2 someday, hopefully sometime next year. If not then FFCC will do for me Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

My only problem with this game is that the battle tends to be damn slow. Besides that, the rest is great.

It's a real-time strategy game, mOojc, they're all slow!

And no, you don't need to know about FFXII in general to enjoy this. The story holds up well on its own...Of course it's 'nice' to have played the PS2 game, since you are already familiar with the characters, but it's certainly not integral to the enjoyment of FFXII: RW.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
Its a real-time strategy game, mOojc, theyre all slow!And no, you dont need to know about FFXII in general to enjoy this. The story holds up well on its own...Of course its nice to have played the PS2 game, since you are already familiar with the characters, but its certainly not integral to the enjoyment of FFXII: RW.

It's just that I would love if there was an option that could speed up their movements, even if it was a tiny increase. Smilie

Wow does this still count as a decent release delay, it's already out in the US and europe has to wait until mid February??!!

Do Squeenix not know the DS is region free or what?

Outside of weird Nintendo dark ages land, people moaned about Ace Combat 6's release delays:

NA October 23, 2007
JP November 1, 2007
EU November 23, 2007
AUS December 13, 2007

( Edited on 06.12.2007 00:09 by Grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

True, but S-E's European division is certainly pulling up its socks a bit more. FFCC: RoF and The World Ends With You are both coming to Europe soon after, if not even before the US.

mOojc, what gets me down more is how the AI of your team, whilst great in battle, is poor when it comes to picking the right route. More often than not a couple of team members will just barge into a wall and get stuck instead of going all the way round like they should. The only other annoyances for me are the static camera (since players can get hidden) and how if there are too many characters close together, nobody can get through the crowd without having to move some out of the way first Smilie Other than that, I really like it...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
True, but S-Es European division is certainly pulling up its socks a bit more. FFCC: RoF and The World Ends With You are both coming to Europe soon after, if not even before the US.mOojc, what gets me down more is how the AI of your team, whilst great in battle, is poor when it comes to picking the right route. More often than not a couple of team members will just barge into a wall and get stuck instead of going all the way round like they should. The only other annoyances for me are the static camera (since players can get hidden) and how if there are too many characters close together, nobody can get through the crowd without having to move some out of the way first Smilie Other than that, I really like it...

I agree completely. The AI can be extremely stupid at times and when you have a large army at your control it can be quite frustrating having to look after each one of them. I also have another problem pressing attack on an enemy. It keeps registering that command as walk. Maybe it's just my touch screen getting worn out.

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