EA Responds to Gimped Medal of Honor Heroes 2

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.02.2008 5

EA have responded to the lack of online play in the Australian version of Medal of Honor Heroes 2 (Wii).

Medal of Honor Heroes 2 hit stores in Australia last week and online shooter fans down under expected a 32-player brawl over the web, however instead received no online support.

Medal of Honor Heroes 2 for Wii does not support online functionality in Australia. We made an error in the documentation and marketing materials. We are very sorry to have caused confusion for our customers. We will provide a refund to anyone in Australia who wishes to return the game to EA because of the lack of online functionality.

Despite apologising, why EA decided to remove functionality from one of their key Wii titles still remains unknown.

Thanks to Vooks.

Box art for Medal of Honor Heroes 2





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (5 Votes)

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EA smells.

Unless you're absolutely bent on seeing how the controls work, I can't really recommend the game if it doesn't have online. Campaign is good fun, but the length comes from the online mode..

i really need to get that game soon

This is phil. If your conciousness must absolutely intrude upon mine, leave a message.

i don't get this why aren't they getting online? ea are so silly

Not getting this game. They just lost...well hardly anything since OZ/NZ are such a small market but whatever.

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