Renegade Kid Brings Moon Rising to DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.03.2008 4

Renegade Kid, the brains behind Dementium: The Ward, revealed their previously codenamed project: Moon Rising.

According to IGN, the game takes place on the moon. Set 50 years in the future, 2058, scientists encounter a hidden alien whilst building a lunar base.

Moon is dark, twisted, heart pounding, frequently violent and always disturbing," said Bill Swartz, Head Woof of Mastiff. "Pretty much what you'd expect when you take madmen like Renegade Kid, jack their technology up to the next level, and turn them loose."

"Moon demonstrates the impressive power of Nintendo DS, while appealing to a crowd that's looking for a first-person action-adventure title that delivers a menacing story and really puts your gaming skills to the test.

Building upon our achievements with Dementium: The Ward, Renegade Kid is utilizing its sophisticated 3D engine, dubbed the 'Renegade Engine,' to continue pushing the limits of Nintendo DS and focus on producing high quality.

Jools Watsham, Owner and Creative Director at Renegade Kid.

Moon Rising is due for release sometime in 2008.

Thanks to C3's Phoenixus

Box art for Moon

Renegade Kid




First Person Shooter



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There is a trailer and interview with the lead project developer of the game in the DS thread if anyone is interested.

The game sounds like it's going to be a big one for the DS, great graphics by the sound of things. They are using a 2.0 version of their first games engine that now allows for vehicles. It looks to be a very serious game for the DS and far more ambitious that Dementium :The ward

That's good because dementium has one of the best 3D engines on DS next to Crystal Chronicles and Phantom Hourglass. Can't wait.

was very impressed by their first outings, really can't wait.

Well they sure as hell got noticed with Dementium. This should be good. Hopefully they caught Nintendo's eye.

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