Mario Kart European Wii Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.03.2008 14

With 12-player racing antics heading to Europe in just over a couple week's time, Nintendo have released a new trailer.

Be sure to also check out the previous compilation of Mario Kart tracks.

Mario Kart Wii is due for release in Europe on April 11th 2008.

Box art for Mario Kart Wii








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not bad, not bad i dont like the beggining though.

That music makes me wanna hit something...

I just realised, if Nintendo are gunna keep implementing Gamecube controllers in their games then they shud put them back into production. Shit i bought a gamecube so i could get a new controller.

Although that means ive have two completely new official controllers untouched for when brawl comes!

Flynnie said:
That music makes me wanna hit something...

I just realised, if Nintendo are gunna keep implementing Gamecube controllers in their games then they shud put them back into production. Shit i bought a gamecube so i could get a new controller.

Although that means ive have two completely new official controllers untouched for when brawl comes!

I agree. I am wondering what the hell is going to happen when all these GC controllers are worn out by playing BrawlSmilie. (awesome game) Nintendo need to put them back into production, everyone knows the GC controller in Brawl is thee best option. I say they should give us a white Wii version that is wireless. I bought two silver WB online for

I want to know how the nunchuck and wii mote combo works. It always seems to be the controle option thats always ignored.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

OMG, sick!! I simply cannot wait! Smilie Smilie This is going to be one hell of a game. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Can't wait, looking good! Bout 2 or so weeks now.

TBH this is seeming a bit more exciting than my SSBrawl experience sofa..

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Gamecube controller to come inclusive with the PAL release of Brawl anyone? Ninty must have realised how the 'Cube controller is getting used the most. (Somehow).

To the actual topic, I preordered MK a couple days back just because I knew I was going to want it on launch, so I might as well get it over and done with. I hate the beginning to the ad, but things are looking pretty good. I am still completely expecting an IGN review ripping the game to shreads.

I dunno, my 'Cube controller is from way back in 2002, and it still seems bright as a button. It's not as used as it should be though, due to the GC being shit.

Yeah they honestly need to start producing Wavebirds again. Preferably one with rumble. I mean if the Wii can do it WITH motion sensing and not explode Smilie

tiamat1990 said:
Yeah they honestly need to start producing Wavebirds again. Preferably one with rumble. I mean if the Wii can do it WITH motion sensing and not explode Smilie

Definitely agree! They justify it by having the classic controller (though that doesn't help for GC-only games). I'd settle for a classic -> GC port adapter, that'd be pretty handy.

An updated wavebird would be awesome - lighter + better battery support and rumble.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well my Cube controller has been diminished greatly after Melee and Brawls annoying things (dieing on Brawl on hard challenges etc.) and gets hurled across the room... but its still alive! Tough things! Even if the right button gets stuck in. But I want to use the wii wheel, it just seems better... probably end up using Cube though.

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

I'm also going for the Wiimote + nunchuck. And I still have 4 GC controllers.

Blade2t3 said:
I want to know how the nunchuck and wii mote combo works. It always seems to be the controle option thats always ignored.

That's the combo I use. Seems to work just fine. I do just fine in our office matchups (other than getting owned by the 2 just-out-of-college kids that pretty much trash everyone...they spent way too much time playing the GCube version in college Smilie

FWIW, I'm the only one that plays with the wiimote-nunchuk combo here. 3 people use game cube controller (including the 2 young'uns that played the Cube version way too much). 2 people only use Classic controllers. 1 guy seems to switch between GameCube and Classic. Some people have tried out the Wiimote-only option, but nobody stuck with that one.

They definitely need to produce some GCish pads. Mine are all dying and I need new ones. I do not want to use 3rd party crap.

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